Ambient temps...

Gregg M

Registered Member
The Rotten Apple NYC
Why is it believed that ambient air temps are not as important as substrate temps???

I know that even in other reptile species I keep or kept that ambient temps are just as, and in some cases, more important than basking temps... Why would it be different in leos??? I do not get the logic of some keepers when it comes to this...

Ambient air temps can mean the difference between you gecko feeding all year round and going on a hunger strike during the cooler months...

From my experience, leos do not really have a "biological clock" that shuts them off in the winter... The fasting that some people report is totally brought on by cool ambient temps and has nothing to do with basking spot temps...

So why do some think that ambient air temps are not important for leopard geckos???
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New Member
New York
Well the air temps cant be to cold but their not as important for leos as belly heat, it aids in digestion and its more natural for leos. Leos live in rocky areas and will sit on warm rocks to warm up.

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