Animal Abuse


Okay I had on animal planet on today and this show was called animal cops they seek help for abuse animals. I saw that this man was being busted for picking up the dog by the legs and swing him until the dogs legs broke. Ya know anymore in this world animals are being hurt and treated with no respect. I don't understand it why hurt a animal that did nothing to you? I wish that I could take every animal abuser and rip thier hair out and Iam not kidding. I think maybe if they get hurt maybe they will know how the animal is feeling thank you for leting me get this off my chest here I could not hold it in any longer. :main_angry::(


I will say this it has been a year sense I had seen the show so I thought that I get back into it cuz they do have other shows on thier are really cool to see. But today was the very last time I will see the show unless thier will be a show about animals that are not being abuse otherwise I will not see that show. Makes me so very hurt to see that pepole can be so mean and crule to animals and I mean all types of animals.


New Member
surrey bc canada
It makes you respect the people who work for the shelters and such that have to go and confront this everyday, they see this over and over and have to take care of whats left of the abused animal and most of the time knowing these people hurting the animals will get a slap on the wrist and be free before their next shift starts , there needs to be harsher punishment for those who do this to animals.


New Member
Miami, FL
It makes you respect the people who work for the shelters and such that have to go and confront this everyday, they see this over and over and have to take care of whats left of the abused animal and most of the time knowing these people hurting the animals will get a slap on the wrist and be free before their next shift starts , there needs to be harsher punishment for those who do this to animals.

Yes it does, I agree. I'm currently moonlighting with the clinic I have now & at my local shelter. Thanks for noticing those of us who dedicate our lives to this field, that's the reason we do it in the first place. :) :main_thumbsup:


Yes I agree also that the pepole who face this everyday trying to help abuse animals should be given a big hug for thier help and for thier time to get animal abusers off the street and put in jail for what they did me and my mom are with this rescue for golden retriver rescue and we foster some of the dog that have been abuse and I know when we help out and get that dog back on it's feet again makes us feel really good knowing we did something great for that dog and it will go to a loving home. :)


New Member
that show is painful to wait especially if you know the areas they're going to...

I honestly haven't been able to watch it after this man brutally killed two cats with another one hanging on to life by a whisker and they did a investigation in his apartment and found blood smeared walls, bloody carpet and blood soaked towels. There were many other things like the people that hacked a poor horse while it was STILL ALIVE for meat claiming that it was injured then they dared show video clips of them doing it from the evidence. ugh... Show is just too graphic for me. I tend to chim in for the last 10 minutes to see the animals in their new homes.


Ya know when a animal does make it and they find really good homes for them that makes me just smile and with tears cuz animals do want to be loved and treated with respect and when pepole go and abuse them or take away the wild life it hurts them and even kills them and no animal should have to suffer of the mean hands of humans cuz humans do not care if the animal has feelings or not and well it just gets me so angry to see that no excuse for it what so ever none. :(


Well awareness is what others need to know and if we give that out then maybe just maybe animals will start to be in good hands of humans.


New Member
Pilot Grove, Missouri
First off I will say that you can tell alot about a person on the way they treat animals! They are living creature whos lives are in a humans hands. The joy you get off them is worth every penny and minute that you put into them.

I have watched this show and it is sometimes hard to watch because of the mistreatment of the animals and the situations that some are put in. There are some situations on the show that you can barely watch. There are also the instinces where they have rescued a living creature from curtain death and thats the only reason its is worth watching.


First off I will say that you can tell alot about a person on the way they treat animals! They are living creature whos lives are in a humans hands. The joy you get off them is worth every penny and minute that you put into them.

I have watched this show and it is sometimes hard to watch because of the mistreatment of the animals and the situations that some are put in. There are some situations on the show that you can barely watch. There are also the instinces where they have rescued a living creature from curtain death and thats the only reason its is worth watching.

Yes I agree thats why when that person gets busted by animal police and see the animal has been taken out of that very bad place it was in I have a real good reason for seeing that cuz I will tell ya I have a very big grin on my face when they sent to jail and they will not be allowed to have no moor animals I also have a very big grin when the animals go to a great home. :)

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