Thank you so much for being blatantly rude..... why don't you explain exactly what looks pitt about this dog?.... so far you've said vocalizations (which aren't in any way like a hounds vocalizations, and he said he sounds houndlike), and the paws....which are extremely common to many breeds...including ALL the mastiff breeds....for example great danes........ And I am especially nerdy...I know of molossers and I'm usually quite good at id'ing breeds. I just personally do not see a single thing that directly suggests pitt to me in this dog....one of the biggest things is the eyes...he does not have pitt eyes...the placement, and shape are all wrong...if you look at the eyes in the pics you included all 3 of those dogs have very clearly bully breed type eyes...jackson does not. I have seen VERY few pitt mixes without eyes look very similar to the eyes in those dogs. His ears and nose are also too long. If he does have pitt in him...I doubt its much. That's just my opinion...which I shared without being blatantly rude and telling you that you don't know what you're talking about.