Any Idea what type of Dog, "Jackon" is ?



Thank you so much for being blatantly rude..... why don't you explain exactly what looks pitt about this dog?.... so far you've said vocalizations (which aren't in any way like a hounds vocalizations, and he said he sounds houndlike), and the paws....which are extremely common to many breeds...including ALL the mastiff breeds....for example great danes........ And I am especially nerdy...I know of molossers and I'm usually quite good at id'ing breeds. I just personally do not see a single thing that directly suggests pitt to me in this of the biggest things is the eyes...he does not have pitt eyes...the placement, and shape are all wrong...if you look at the eyes in the pics you included all 3 of those dogs have very clearly bully breed type eyes...jackson does not. I have seen VERY few pitt mixes without eyes look very similar to the eyes in those dogs. His ears and nose are also too long. If he does have pitt in him...I doubt its much. That's just my opinion...which I shared without being blatantly rude and telling you that you don't know what you're talking about.


Escaped A.I.
Tempe Az
StinaKSU said:
Thank you so much for being blatantly rude.....

dang it, i went back and deleted that stuff, but apparantly too late.

why don't you explain exactly what looks pitt about this dog?....

head, ,body shape, the proportions of head to neck to shoulders to waist.

the ears do not look pit, neither does the muzzle, but that can be partially explained by its underbite.

so far you've said vocalizations (which aren't in any way like a hounds vocalizations, and he said he sounds houndlike), and the paws....which are extremely common to many breeds...including ALL the mastiff breeds....for example great danes........ And I am especially nerdy...I know of molossers and I'm usually quite good at id'ing breeds.

me too. :main_yes:

I just personally do not see a single thing that directly suggests pitt to me in this of the biggest things is the eyes...he does not have pitt eyes...the placement, and shape are all wrong...if you look at the eyes in the pics you included all 3 of those dogs have very clearly bully breed type eyes...jackson does not.

i notice what you say about the eyes, in some of the pics, the eyes placement and shape almost look like a bull-terriers eyes.

I have seen VERY few pitt mixes without eyes look very similar to the eyes in those dogs. His ears and nose are also too long. If he does have pitt in him...I doubt its much. That's just my opinion...which I shared without being blatantly rude and telling you that you don't know what you're talking about.

when i read your previous post i thought you were being rude. so i responded in kind. i went back and reread it, and thought to myself, maybe i just misread it. so i just deleted what i wrote. but dang it your quick!!

if you look at the second pic of jackson, that could easily be a pic of a pure bred pitbull. plus i think the pic of him standing in the pool looks pretty dang pitty, his stance and his smile pop out at me.
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Escaped A.I.
Tempe Az
also, check out my pit pup darwin. hes a pure pit, and it looks to me like he has some of the same features as jackson.

specifically i am talking about body shape, and proportions and stance. and maybe even a little in the head.

edit: after reading through my pup's thread i saw you posted in it too!!

p.s. u got any threads for ur pup?
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lol...I am quick....I'm sitting at my computer studying for gross anatomy and neuroscience exams tomorrow.... I was not trying to be rude before...just stating my opinions. He just doesn't look pitt to me at all....even looking for the things you pointed out I really just don't see it...his body shape/proportions suggest greyhound to me more than anything else...and his head suggests some sort of gundog or hound to me more than anything else. I do think, as I said, that it looks like he's got some sort of mastiffy type breed in there somewhere....I just personally don't think its pitt.

but that can be partially explained by its underbite
Does he have an underbite?....It doesn't look like it to me...I think in the one pic he's just got his lip up in his teeth making it look like he has an underbite

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Seminole, FL
alright lets everyone calm down.. this is a forum that everyone should be able to voice their opinions without being crucified for it. I've been told by many people he's pit and I don't take offense to that I also hear about 80 other combinations.
It's not appropriate or fair to call anyone an idiot just because you disagree and I'm glad you tried to retort it.. Thats honorable.

I take all of your advice with great reverence and am happy that so many people may be able to help me figure out what he may be.

When I spoke about vocalization I have some differences in opinions from you've said. I've owned two pits, one basset, and bloodhound and a dane. Our pits definitely had a different head and muzzle structure and eye placement. Pits were bred to be predators - eyes in front - although many dogs do have this same feature. When he vocalizes it's not pit at all.. it's hound.. he howls.. not just whines.. he also is extremely huffy and puffy.. like my basset was. we call him snufalupgous for reason. My sheperd mix is definitely pit. Her teeth and head shape are a dead give away. She has large barbed like teeth and actually gnawed down a cinder block when she was a pup, and can lock her jaw.. It's always been on a rope thankfully. Plus I saw her parents. Father was blue (or what some people call a land shark) and mother looked like Rin Tin Tin. I truly believe Jax is a great dane greyhound mix; or at least a heinz 57. Who knows what he is but i'm always open to interpretation..

His chest and leg structure are not pit at all; he's also not bulky at all. As I said his stride is exactly like a greyhound which i've seen run right next to him. Although honestly he's faster. The ears a mystery but are very similar to danes prior to being cut; and someone stated something about large paws. His paws are disproportional to the rest of his body. I have a pic of him as a puppy I'll post this evening to show you. They are massive and very long. He also has very high and tight quads - exactly like a greyhound that are rippled and have very thin skin like a greyhound.

Who knows really unless i get a DNA test but please give your opinions but don't fight..

No he only has a very very slight under bite; and i think it's only when he's trying to be cute. . otherwise no not all.


I'm calm! :) I'm not fighting, just sharing my opinions :)

HepCat....I don't think I have a thread about foster....I think I've posted pics of him though...there's a couple pics of him on my website.


New Member
StinaKSU said:
I just personally do not see a single thing that directly suggests pitt to me in this dog....

I agree completely!!!

Those other two dogs look nothing like Jackson. They look shepherd. The bottom one looks A LOT german malinois.

I've been dealing with dogs for my entire life, having them, but I volunteered regularly (every weekend and on school breaks; becoming great friends with a shelter owner who's daughter was my best friend, etc) with local shelters for 5.5 years. With one shelter, I worked closely with pit bulls, fighting BSL. I've seen pit mixes with just about everything; you can always see some pit in a dog if it's there. I don't see anything to show any of the pictures to be pit mixes. The head shape and size is off, eye placement and shape, ears, etc. Just because of the brinde color, that means nothing really. I've seen so many dogs put in pounds where their coloring was taken for pits (in towns that are for BSL).
White purebred boxer- 'not a boxer bc boxers aren't white, so it must a pit'
Catahoula- 'this dog has spots, must be pit'
brindle chow mix- all brindle dogs are pits

Whatever dog breed it's mixed with it's pretty. I have actually changed my mind as to thinking hound and shepherd of some sort...


He's obviously a mix; there is really no way to determine breed without his lineage

I do see boxer/greyhound though

He is a cutie


he is almost identical to a pit/catahula mix that one of my co workers has. We rescued a catahula/pit mix once that looked very similar as well. i don't know though. Please no one jump down my throat for suggesting he might have pit in him i have 2 pits and there is nothing wrong with the dog or his personality if he is part pit. This dog forum is supposed to be friendly not condecending and mean.


New Member
Ok here is my guess as soon as i saw the pics it reminded me of grayhound/German Shorthaired Pointer but on second thought it could be a like some already said grayhound/catahoula also!
Good luck finding out ;) one thing is for sure he is a pretty dog:D


Seminole, FL
I know this an old post - But we found out his exact Breed!

I was on my way home from the office yesterday and the misses sent me to the supermarket to pick up some food for dinner.

A large guy parked next to me opened his van door and three dogs identical to Jackson jumped out and were running around gleefully around him and soon after; around me as well.

I asked him what type of dogs they were.. He said Plott Hounds that he purchased in North Carolina from the Ferguson family, and has been breeding them on a small scale for several years.

I noted that I had a dog that looked identical and showed him the pics I had on my phone at the time. He confirmed that he is by ALL MEANS a Plott; a perfect specimen at that.. he even asked if I would be willing to breed him to his colony.. Unfortunately, Jackson is fixed so thats not an option.. Maybe when cloning comes to fruition.. :)

We talked in detail about their temperament, their quirky actions, and just a lot about this breed's characteristics.."It was like what Alcoholics call a moment of clarity", (had to quote Pulp Fiction; sorry)

he described everything from the way he eats, hunts, and personality with people to a tee..

He asked me to come by his house sometime in the next few weeks to look at his brood and bring Jackson over to see what his relatives are like. He also noted that from the pictures Jackson could of been a show dog, and was most likely purchased by a family who didn't realize the energy level and hunting instincts these dogs posses, and couldn't handle it..

I checked his paperwork at home from when we got him at the SPCA, and insanely enough, the prior owner brought him in because he climbed trees, and had too much energy for their small apartment!

Serendipity at it's finest!

Here's some excerpts from info on plots, as well as pictures..

Notice white tipped toes in the back and light white tip splotches on the front feet.. Tell tale signs of a true Plott Hound..

The story of the Plott Hound parallels that of the Plott family and their neighbors in the Great Smoky Mountains that join North Carolina and Tennessee, in what was Cherokee territory. Sixteen-year-old Johannes Plott emigrated to this area from Germany in 1750 with his brother Enoch, who died on the journey. With them came their Hanoverian-type schweisshunds. The descendants of these hounds were fostered, bred and hunted by seven generations of Plotts.
As generations of Plotts married and began families in other parts of the mountains, their hounds spread with them. The Plott's hounds ran the mountainsides for over 200 years. Used on a variety of game, these hounds were bear dogs par excellence. They didn't carry any specific breed name in the early days. Those belonging to Plotts were called Plott's Hounds, those bred by the Cables of Swain County were named Cable Hounds, etc., even though the hounds were all basically the same type and breeding. The original schweisshunds were crossed with other hounds and with cur types especially for their treeing ability. At one time, the breed was even referred to as the Plott Cur. But through the years, each of these clans maintained the original type of a tough, persistent, coldtrailing hound. H.T. Crockett, the Hannahs, the Cruse family, the Reece brothers, the Will Orr family and Blain Blevins all had notable strains.

By the 1920s, the old strains of these brindle mountain-bear dogs needed a boost. The Blevins Hounds were a strain of black-saddled tan hounds also known in the Great Smokies. Gola Ferguson, who had bred hounds of the Plott type for many years, crossed some of his with those of Blevins' type. The result of this cross, "Tige" and "Boss," was two legendary hounds that became known throughout the vast mountain range. Bred back to Plott types, they provided the boost that was needed to revive this old breed. Almost all modern registered Plotts trace to one or the other of these pillars. Even the Plott families, always able to appreciate a fine hound, bought dogs from Ferguson to improve their own stock. This cross also introduced the black-saddled brindle pattern.
When this breed was suggested for UKC registration in 1946, there were those that wanted them called Ferguson Hounds or Cable Hounds. Although many contributed to the breed, the Plott family received the honor in the final selection.
Plotts are very tough hounds who not only can coldtrail a 500-pound bear or a boar, but can stand up to that type of game when they have it cornered. As Ferguson said of one of his dogs, "Against bear, he was a one man army." One hunter's eager female Plott always tore up a bear's ear, which she'd grab and hang on to stubbornly. The Plotts are hounds of fine nose and beautiful voice, and are easily trained,
Hack Smithdeal, a well-to-do, avid bear hunter of Tennessee, did much to publicize the Plott breed. He claimed this breed to be the best he could find for bear hunting, and much of his famous pack came directly from John Plott and his son, George Plott, in the 1930s. A 1946 demonstration with SmithdeaTs hounds for the Conservation Department opened bear hunting with dogs in Michigan. From Smithdeal dogs came the hounds of the Pioneer Kennel of Dale Brandenburg, who has produced many outstanding Plotts.
Although the lighter brindle color was common earlier, after the Blevins cross the most usual pattern was a black-saddled brindle, some almost a solid black with brindling only on the legs. Other colors appear in the breed, including slate blue from the Blue Delch strain and a very few buckskins. The buckskin color has recently been barred from registration due to the fact that some of that color had come from Redbone crosses. The Plott breeders, like the Blue Gascon and Majestic promoters, want to maintain the old hunting type without adulteration from hot-nosed speed hounds.

WEIGHT: 50 pounds
HEIGHT: 22 inches
COAT: Short, thick and dense
COLOR: Usually brindle; from light golden brindle to "saddled" brindle with large black mantle and brindle only on the legs; occasional smokey blue dogs; buckskins barred from registration
GROUP: Hound

Jackson fits this mold to a tee.. he is by all means a, "Treeing Dog", he corners squirrels, birds, rabbits, and the occasional possum.. Truly fearless in prey situations.. in personal situations he's like Odie from Garfield.. completely lovable moron!

His vision is incredible; I've watched him stare at jets flying miles over head. His scent is unreal as well. He can smell when my wife or I have a cut or scrape and immediately salivates and will track us down to try and lick to clean the wounds..

loves the pack mentality.. and is unreal in dealing with other dogs.. He's generally not aggressive, and loves to race and show his speed and stamina to everyone, but generally will pick the biggest and meanest Pit Bull to antagonize..

He also will protect our older female and my wife to the death.. any other dog comes within ten feet of her he's in protect mode and I nearly have to wrestle him to the ground to stop him..


New Member
Very cool you found out what he is. Definitely not what anyone guessed. Ha. Eh.. Better to spay and neuter versus breed.


Seminole, FL
I agree, i'm not a big fan of mammal breeding.. especially dogs and cats.. I adopted Jackson as a gift for my wife when we first met, because she never had a dog and loved my current one at the time..

She is now on the board of directors, chairman of a million teams, etc..

We're adoption only people.. there are just too many needy animals that should be cared for..


Interesting...his ear set is MUUUCH higher than any plott hound I've ever seen though... He doesn't have those hound ears that the plott in the photo does **shrug**


Seminole, FL
actually from what I've read they aren't decedents of the Rhodesian. But i can see the thought process, because they too are hunting and specifically, "treeing type dogs"..

Boxer - many people see boxer, but it's mainly because of his brindle coloring and barrel chest.. But i've owned boxers and his personality with people is that same gleeful appeal as a boxer.. but with game and prey situations, as well as vocals, are totally different..

Ears - the photo is of a female, also according to AKC guidelines - the true Plott's ears should be no greater than 18-20 inches from tip to tip when spread out.. also cannot past the nose when pulled forward.. which indicates more Bloodhound lines in their genetics.. Jacksons are 19 spread and do not reach the nose..

the photos of Jackson, always show him with the perky look, which they are known for; and when perky the ears come together and form a small wrinkle on the forehead.. also an AKC guideline..

I took a few snapshots on Saturday and sent them to the Plott Hound Association to see what they said.. They agreed that he is a Plott and had/has great potential as a show dog.. except that he's fixed, adopted, etc..

They checked into breeders in Florida and it turns out his parents may have been purchased from the man James i met in the parking lot.. and came from the Ferguson family.. So I called him and he checked his records and indeed he sold 12 puppies 5 years ago to two different families.. one was a woman who lived in an apartment in the Seminole, FL area..

Serendipity at it's finest..


They figured out what he is :p lol

That's crazy! you have other photos of him in more of a profile you can post?


New Member
silly me, i should really read all the posts before posting lol
i googled plott hound, pretty breed, love the huge ears and the legs :D

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