I am done with everything in our house getting chewed up. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to keep your dog from chewing things up when you leave. She is in her crate but she even chews through the wire on her crate and chewed up the floor in the kitchen this weekend.:main_thumbsdown: We have tried everything! We put a blanket with our scent in her cage she'll shred it to a million pieces. We leave at least 2 different Kong toys in her cage and she wont even touch them. As much as I love her and she is totally a part of our family it would kill me to have to get rid of her. If she doesnt stop tearing everything up thought that is going to be the only option. As a person who rents a house everything she chews is just another HUGE problem and expense she costs us. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!!! I thought eventually she would grow out of this but I guess not!