Any thoughts


Definitely not Junior
Fort Fun, Indiana
I have had leopard geckos for a few years now and bearded dragons for close to a year. Was kicking around the idea of a corn snake. Anyone give me a thumbs up or down on that idea. I was always a little freaked out by reptiles but have really warmed up to them with the leopards and the beardeds. Snakes have probably been the ones that I have been most worried about. I have seen them alot at the reptile shows and have heard corns are probably the best for pets. So what do you think?


New Member
I used to be scared of snakes now i own 10 of them and breed them too! all corn snakes! You will fall in-love with them! lol there SUPER addictive! Mail me if you need any help on care!


Est; 1992
London, UK
Corn snakes are VERY good snakes to start off with, I find it hard to point out bad points with them.
If you want a snake that you can find in a wide variety of colours at a cheap price, low maintenance you have the start of a very promising collection.
However if you want something with a little more "beef" a Ball python is also a very good starter snake, will still only get to about 4-5 foot long (males) females somtimes reaching 6 foot.
These are also very good snakes that get a little chunkier then cornsnakes, and the morphs however can be a burning hole in your pocket, but there are SOOO many to choose from.
Both are very rewarding to keep.

Gregg M

Registered Member
The Rotten Apple NYC
Corns are great but there are too many morphs for me to keep track of... LOL...

If you want something a bit more challenging, go with hognoses... They are not as easy to breed and can be hard to feed at times but if you get animals from good breeders, you should have no probems... I can say from my experience, they are much cooler than corns...

As mentioned above, ball pythons are a good species to start with as well...


Definitely not Junior
Fort Fun, Indiana
ok so if it was between a ball and a corn which would you pick? Hogs look ok but i dont know how i feel about the fangs? Like i said up until 2 years ago I wasnt cool with any reptile but really enjoy them now. Just kicking around the whole idea of a snake.


New Member
i have 10 corn snakes and 1 ball pythons

Corn snakes

Pretty calm,Wide range of color (My fav is candy cane) Max around 4 or 5 feet tops and stay about a inch or 2 wide. they can be easy to feed F/T and very easy going and tame. and there price range are Ok.

My ball python

WIDE and FAT they get huge around. and some of them (at lest the ones i had) are Hard to feed if it isn't live. I dont get a warning like i do with corn snakes if there pissed off. they will just strike. my corn snakes will try to get away,Rattle there tail before they try to bite (and that was only 1 corn that would become mad) My ball python is pretty but i rather stick to my corns i only got him to see for myself what i would like more corn snakes or ball python, Ball pythons also are pretty pricey for other morphs....Corn snake win!


Est; 1992
London, UK
Ball pythons are notorious for refusing feeds for a while yes, but keep at it, as for the live feeding its not necessary, all of my snakes take frozen thawed without a problem all strike and coil.
Hognoses are cool that snout gets me every time, but if you are just starting out with snakes, yes they are small and tricky feeders but even though they are rear fanged i would suggest you get a constrictor first.


New Member
I have about 30 corns. They are just beautiful, fun to handle, and there's a color for practically every taste. You can pretty much match one to your decor if you were inclined! Also, they're not as ugly as the hognose IMO.


Mesa, Arizona
Tim, I felt pretty much like yourself.....started with Leo's Got a Beardie.. then recently started to have serious interest in snakes(though I never used to want one) so i started doing research on Cornsakes.. a lot of reading later.. I got my first Juvie Cornsnake in September. and i absolutly adore him..I only wanted a normal little guy. so nothing fancy for me.

But he is super easy to feed F/T right off the bat. Enclouse temps/substrate really simple too. easy to hadle....although it did take a couple times for me to be relly comfortable holding him, learning his movements.. he only tail rattled once, cuz i startled him (which i think was the cutest thing.... like he thought he was really scary lol)

I would def say give it a try :yes: from one snake noob to another ;)

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