Anyone know about Human Leukemia- My Mom has 24 hrs to live I am so upset



Hello People, I didn't know where to turn, I just need a shoulder or two to cry on and maybe if anyone can help me though this. My mom has Leukemia diagnosed only a few weeks ago. She has many things wrong with her too but this is it for her. At first her WBC was 100,000 then a week later 500,000 now its 800,000 and the Dr says its the fastest he has ever seen it go up. He gave her 48 hours to live yesterday. Hospice is coming daily and we are by her side often but I am scared. She is 86 and we lost dad 6 years ago at 86 yrs old from a Hospital mistake. I am not ready to loose my mom. I have been having a hard time with my animals illness and now this. I just want to hear from someone. MY brother is being a jerk. I am the emotional one and he acts like its no big deal. I just don't have anyone to turn to. If anyone has been through this, knows about Leukemia or can just lend me their shoulder to cry on I would be grateful. I just hate whats going on and my brother is stealing her blind to top it off so I am also angry. How can someone do that to a terminally ill person, especially his mother. Thanks for letting me get this off my chest. And please pray or send good thoughts my way. Hugs to all!!!

Grinning Geckos

Tegan onboard.
I'm so sorry to hear that Deborah! I don't know much about the condition, but I'll be praying that you'll get more than 24 hours with her (the Drs told a friend she was going to die, and she's still here fighting 4 years later). Regaurdless of how much time you have left, I hope that you can find happiness together despite everything else and she is as comfortable as possible.


New Member
Grand Blanc, MI
I'm so sorry about your mom's health. Hopefully she is comfortable, and alert, so you both can enjoy what time you have left together. It's not always easy to say good bye to a loved one, but knowing it's time and having a chance to say good bye is easier, then not knowing. I've been on both sides. Hold her, kiss her, and let her know how much you love her. Share memories, laugh and cry with her. My prayers are with you both.


I will be praying for you. This is a very terrible thing to go through. My brother (who is 10 yrs older than me) was friends with a boy named Keith ever since I was born (needless to say he was like a brother to me, always over and hanging out). Keith got diagnosed with leukemia when I was about 8yrs old. He went and had the chemotherapy and eventually was told he was in remission. About 2 months after they told him that he went back to the hospital with more back pain. They told him that the leukemia had spread and that he would have to have more treatments. He went into the hospital in severe pain and while in the emergency room his doctor overdosed him with Morphine and he died. I was 11 when he died and it is still very upsetting to this day. We are not sure whether he would have died from the leukemia or not. I am so very sorry to hear about your mom. Please do me a favor and hold her and tell her you love her while you still have her. Keith made a huge impact in my life while I was growing up even if it was only for a short time. He took me to the mall and to see kid movies when my own brother would not. He was there for me even though I was young, and I regret not being able to say goodbye. The funeral changed my life forever, it was the only time I ever saw my brother cry. Please be with her every minute you can whiel you have her and I will be praying for you and your mother.


Abbie's Human
Tyngsboro, MA
Deborah, I am soo sorry to hear about your Mother. I honestly don't even know what to say. I do know what you are going through, I lost my father to Cancer, and it happened VERY quickly. All I can say is be Strong and be there with your Mother as much as possible. She shouldn't be alone at a time like this.


New Member
I can't even imagine how painful this must be for you and your mother, I don't know what to say in a situation like this :( I'm so sorry to hear this and I hope you both enjoy these last moments together. As they say, at least you will have the time to say goodbye properly.

The NY Gecko

Don't Get So Carried Away
Rochester, NY
BalloonzForU said:
Hopefully she is comfortable, and alert, so you both can enjoy what time you have left together. It's not always easy to say good bye to a loved one, but knowing it's time and having a chance to say good bye is easier, then not knowing.
I have to agree, when you dont know its coming it feels like someone has just stolen a piece of your life. Been there...Sorry about your mom, I wish the best.


New Member
Fort Worth, TX
I am so sorry, and I am sending good vibes your way. I wish I knew something about leukemia so I could give you some sort of advice, alas, I do not. I know it is very hard to be strong in situations like this, but that is the best advice I can give you... just be strong.


New Member
I'm so sorry about your mother. I don't have any advice for you, But I wish you and your family the best. Stay strong and we are here for you.

Ian S.

Active Member
I'm deeply sorry to hear about your situation. My wife and I lost a very good friend to leukemia four years ago. She was just 23 years old. I know it sometimes seems cliche' to hear but I know what your going through. My best advise on finding info on leukemia would be to search or just do a general search. Leukemia is a form of cancer of the bone marrow I belive. To complicate things a bit I also think there are different types of leukemia. I pray for you & yours. I know it sounds dumb but I wouldn't dwell on your brother just yet. Although what he is doing may be wrong, your mother is the issue at hand and I'm sure thats hard enough to deal with.
We are all here for you and stay strong!!
:) :) :)


New Member
I am very sorry to hear about your Mother. Your brother may be crying ion the inside, so just ignore him being rude about a serious situation.
I really hope you and yourt mother have good times together


Such a sad but serious situation.
I wish for the best of your mother and yourself.
We all know it hard to let go of a loved one.

Really if I had some sort of comforting advice, I would be more than willing to share it with you, but I cant say I've had any experience with the illness, nor just the loss of a loved one like my mother.

like I said before, best of luck and wishes.


I'm so sorry to hear about your Mother. We lost my father when I was nine years old after a 3 1/2-year battle with cancer; in January, we lost my mother-in-law as the result of a tragic car accident. I've seen the long drawn-out decline, and the too-fast, too-soon... and it's always too soon. Make the most of the time you have left with your Mother and just let her know you're there and you love her. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
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Happy Gecko Family
So sorry to hear about your mother's situation. I really don't know what else to say at times like this, good luck, my thoughts are with you.
I just wanted to say how sorry I am to hear about your mother. I know it is a tough situation to go through, but also be glad for the fact that your mother has lived a long full life. I know that is not going to help alot right now but, it is something to look back on. Just remember to say the thing you need to say and do leave anything undone. You have that chance that some people don't get. Use it!! The stuff that is happening with your brother happens alot in these situations, it is not right, but set it aside and give all of yourself to the person that needs it the most-your mother. You can deal with those matters when the time is more appropriate. You are in my thoughts and I am wishing you the best in your time of need.



You have a great support group with hospice. They are awsome. They will help you through this very tough time. I just read a great article yesterday that said the best gift you can give her at this time is letting her pass on with dignity and love. Keep her at home surrounded by love. My heart goes out to you as this is a very tough transition time. Dorcas


New Member
moved from texas to italy
...i'm so sorry for that...
...i lost my mother when i was 18 for cancer and my father 3 years later (i was 21 years old) for leukemia...
i can only give you an advice...try to tolking with her about have a big possibility...the possibility to know really who you love and the big possibility to tolking with her about everyting (a lot of people don't think to need that because generally we think this kind of problems like "problems of others")...
...try to use the time like your special time with her...
focalize your attention in all your life with her...and try to think at this like a special gift...
i'm so sorry...really sorry


Thank You!!!!

Thanks everyone for the warm and heart felt concern. My mom spent the whole day in bed with me by her side. She is still with us as of 6am and last night she asked me to take her little yorkie home to care for her since my brother is basically ignoring her and some what abusing her. So she is with me now. My daughter is so happy because we both love "KeKe". I am heading back to her house shortly to spend the day with her. She is sleeping more and more and has alot of pain meds to keep her comfortable. Its just a matter of time now and I tell her how much I love her and we have talked about the good times. She is somewhat out of it though and when talking about something she starts talking about something completely diifferent. I assume that its her illness. She says she is ready to go. Thank you for the prayers and good wishes too. I will keep you posted as best I can. Love to you all my extended family!!! You all are wonderful people! Deb


Abbie's Human
Tyngsboro, MA

It is great that she is able to be at home. That was my fathers one wish, and we weren't able to make that happen, he was supposed to come home on Saturday morning, we had a hospital bed set up, hospice was going to come in and help us. Unfortunately Friday night he took a turn for the worse and was unable to come home. He died that Sunday.

To this day it hurts my heart to know that we weren't able to make his one wish come true, to die in his own home.

So, a word of advice, do whatever it takes to make her as comfortable as can be, and treasure your last moments with her.

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