Hello People, I didn't know where to turn, I just need a shoulder or two to cry on and maybe if anyone can help me though this. My mom has Leukemia diagnosed only a few weeks ago. She has many things wrong with her too but this is it for her. At first her WBC was 100,000 then a week later 500,000 now its 800,000 and the Dr says its the fastest he has ever seen it go up. He gave her 48 hours to live yesterday. Hospice is coming daily and we are by her side often but I am scared. She is 86 and we lost dad 6 years ago at 86 yrs old from a Hospital mistake. I am not ready to loose my mom. I have been having a hard time with my animals illness and now this. I just want to hear from someone. MY brother is being a jerk. I am the emotional one and he acts like its no big deal. I just don't have anyone to turn to. If anyone has been through this, knows about Leukemia or can just lend me their shoulder to cry on I would be grateful. I just hate whats going on and my brother is stealing her blind to top it off so I am also angry. How can someone do that to a terminally ill person, especially his mother. Thanks for letting me get this off my chest. And please pray or send good thoughts my way. Hugs to all!!!