Even if I didn't have any personal interactions with Matt, I still wouldn't purchase from him. The BOI posts read like a soap-opera.
MGREPTILES Trouble with shipment - This thread is where Matt seemingly goes whacko.
Dennis Hultman dabbles in more than reptiles BAD GUY - A thread started by Matt just to be malicious
The list goes on from "Matt's a Great Guy!" to "Matt's Horrible, never buy from him!"
I know Big Apple Herp and Bean Farm carry most of the same products that Matt does. They will be getting my business from now on.
MGREPTILES Trouble with shipment - This thread is where Matt seemingly goes whacko.
Dennis Hultman dabbles in more than reptiles BAD GUY - A thread started by Matt just to be malicious
The list goes on from "Matt's a Great Guy!" to "Matt's Horrible, never buy from him!"
I know Big Apple Herp and Bean Farm carry most of the same products that Matt does. They will be getting my business from now on.