AP: Fatal Attractions


New Member
Bay Area, CA
So, this episode of Animal Planet's Fatal Attraction is with a Reptile hoarder, who kept venomous monitors, and quite a large number of them. They of course lead to his death (they haven't gotten to the exactly what happened part yet).

Anyways, there was a interesting part where a herp-ologist (sorry forgot the actual name) was comparing his and his colleges with mammal pet owners. I was curious if you all felt it described you as well.. or not.

He mentioned that a lot of reptile owners will have large numbers. They tend to be more interested in the specie than the individual, where as most mammal owners are into individual relationships.

He also said he was egotistical, introverted, but loved to talk about his reptiles. I can relate to the last two! I don't think I am very egotistical though.


New Member
Western PA
once you watch the whole show his death was due to neglect on his behalf ...... I try to stay away from these shows on Animal Planet as for instance in this episode they are not showing regular reptile keepers they are showing the rare individuals that take the obsession to the extreme and often bypass safe practises.....
but like you I wouldnt say that I am egotistical I know my limits with whatever I do and try not to get out of my depth...But also not introverted either in my experiance a lot of reptile keepers are the opposite and very colourful characters lol (no offence intended)


New Member
once you watch the whole show his death was due to neglect on his behalf ...... I try to stay away from these shows on Animal Planet as for instance in this episode they are not showing regular reptile keepers they are showing the rare individuals that take the obsession to the extreme and often bypass safe practises.....
but like you I wouldnt say that I am egotistical I know my limits with whatever I do and try not to get out of my depth...But also not introverted either in my experiance a lot of reptile keepers are the opposite and very colourful characters lol (no offence intended)

that show makes reptiles look like the "true killers", however as it turns out the guys had alot of Bigger sized lizards. got bit pretty bad, he Didn't go to the doctor when it started to get Infected,it got too infected and he died.But that show makes it seem like the reptiles were out to KILL him. which is Complete BS, He died Due to his neglect Not the reptiles Fault.


New Member
New Jersey
Hmm, well I think it is partly true. My friend and her boyfriend purchase/rescue their reptiles because they are attracted to the breed, and they don't always name their snakes like they would name their cats.. but for the animals they CAN safely handle, they interact with them like they are a cat or a dog. They also do have a few cats and a dog, and I would say they are just as bonded with their cat as say, their bearded dragon.

I am more into individual relationships with all my pets. I refer to my reptiles by name, and like if it is a reptile I am unsure of the sex, I will just call it by it's species name until I can find out the sex. My turtle is still a juvenile so I don't know either way. I think it may be male, and I normally call it he, but until I can be sure I call him (or possibly her) Turtle. I do have a name picked out for when I do find out for sure.

And I mean, I interact with my turtle all the time.. I even interact with my pet fish. I'm VERY attached to my one bearded dragon and I'd probably have a meltdown if anything ever happened to her.

I have a venomous snake too, and I interact with him safely.. I mist him and take care of him but obviously I can't take him out and cuddle him. He's quite a happy camper in my opinion. He sits by the glass and watches what's going on.. he hides in his little hut and climbs his branches.

It really depends on the individual, but there are PLENTY of cat and dog hoarders out there.. probably more of them than reptile hoarders. I also hate that with these new shows coming out about hoarding, people are assuming alot of pets = HOARDER! I have usually between 20-40 pets at any given time.. but I clean my house daily and all my pets get regular vet care.. even my reptiles go to the vet if needed. That's why I get pissed when people call me a hoarder. I'm more of a half-way house for various animals that no one wants. Anything left on my doorstep is welcome... wild animals, cats, dogs, reptiles, birds.. I'm willing to lend a hand to whatever needs my help.


New Member
Western PA
thats why I try not to watch Animal Planet I much prefer Nat geo Wild .... Animal Planet have been getting crazy with their shows the only shows I watch on there are Pitbulls and Parolees and Pitboss and even pitboss is starting to get ridiculous ... I did like Snakeskin when it was on but that showed reptiles in a possitive light , and Wild Recon I enjoyed also


New Member
Bay Area, CA
Yea, the tv was just left on and since it was reptiles I figured I'd watch.

They did at least point out that the two main characters had problems, though it did seem to come across as "reptile owners are crazy." I thought it was kind of stupid how they made the reptile show look like some evil reptile exchange or something. But, that is what they do to get viewers I guess... exaggerate reality.


Breeder in the making
PEI Canada
venemous monitors!!!!!!!!!!! wow he must have had the only ones in existence as there are non

some say they have it but its likely just a reaction to the saliva and has yet to be completely proven


New Member
Bay Area, CA
It's the bacteria in their saliva according to the show... they are not really venomous.. at least not like snakes. They bite you, wait for you to get sick and die, and then eat you. (according to them, I have no clue).

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