Article in Gekko: Tyrosinase Activity in the Skin of Three Strains of Albino Gecko


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okapi said:
To me the article seemed trustworthy, and was a very insightful read. However, im wondering when the tests were actually conducted, because in "The Herpetoculture of Leopard Geckos" RT states under a picture of an albino (If im recalling right) that all three strains of albino leopard gecko are T+. And in their article they state that they talked to RT personally. If the same info has been posted in both a scientific article and the most informative and up to date leo book out then I would consider it to be okay.

a.) i wouldnt trust a word RT says

b.) i know that the testing began several years back. i can remember when talking to jodi a couple years back they had already tested two strains of albino (i forget which ones)

c.) it has been known that all three strains of albinism were T+, for many years. this isnt new info. the info given is just the scientific part of it. explanation and breakdown and whatnot
so in closing i would trust the validity of an article posted in the GGA over anything ron tremper has said
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