Baby Chahoua


Friendly herp enthusiast
Hollister, CA
I had bought a baby Chahoua about 2 weeks ago from Lawrence Erickson ( and am extremely happy with it. It seems to be gaining more and more personality and colors as time goes by and in 2 weeks has increased in size 1.6 grams. A couple of questions:
1. is 1.6 grams in 2 weeks alot of growing for it? Not enough weight put on? I know they are supposed to grow at a high rate of speed, but at WHAT rate?
2. It is approx. 2 months old and coloring was browns and greys when I got coloring has lightened alot and I am seeing bronze/gold, maybe pinks(?), definate whites on nose/face and collar and some greens. Is this normal coloring for one this size/age? Will it change colors extensively as time passes?
3. What is an acceptable size to put it in a larger tank (like 18x18x18 maybe)?
4. I should wait about a year to determine sex, right?
5 FINALLY- does anyone have (or know of someone who has...) a Chahoua for grabs around the same size?

I was told to make friends to ask questions, so fire away! thank you all and hope to hear back soon!

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