Bad News from CA


Fallen Angel's Geckos
Stockton, CA
Just got off the phone with my mom not too long ago, and as it turns out, our family dog of 11 years isn't looking very good anymore..


His name is Buddy and he is a Keeshound. I just love these dogs.. in our family, Buddy is the third one that we've had. We bought Buddy as a pup from a breeder when our previous Keeshound passed from getting hit by a car.

Anyway.. Buddy has had a very huge lump on the side of his chest for awhile now. The stupid vet has always told us not to worry about it, that it was nothing (and I think one time we were told that it was just a part of his stomach). I always knew that this very large, very hard lump wasn't good news, and have always worried about it. Regardless, he was doing fine and well for the past three years.

Just recently, it appears that his lump has been growing, and he hasn't eaten in three days. Dad took him to the vet today, but things aren't looking so good..

He hasn't passed yet, but with him being the age he is, I do not expect him to make it too much longer, hence why this is in the memorial section.

I love you so much Buddy :eek: I hope that you can hang in there long enough so I can see you before you die :cry2:


Mod Squad Member
Pasadena, TX
Ugh. I'm so sorry, Jess. It's hard to say good bye to a pet that's been in the family for such a long time. I actually have to go say goodbye to my mom's 19yr old Dachshund tomorrow. I'm not looking forward to it either. Hang in their Buddy and may you have a peaceful passage into a better place!


New Member
I am so soory to here that I wish you and your parents the best through this rough time as I know how it is to have to say good-bye to a beloved pet,I had to have my 13 year old lab chow put to sleep as he had a brain toomer and he was very sick and there was nothing I could do about it,he was very weak so I had to say good-bye and let him be at peace with God.I will be praying for you Buddy get well soon...I will pray for you to Jess that everything will work out for the best.


Fallen Angel's Geckos
Stockton, CA
Thank you for your condolences everyone.

I try to look at the positive side of things.. well first off, something like this is inevitable, it must happen sooner or later. The 11 years that our family had Buddy was well worth it, and we will never forget our time with him. I guess I am just glad this didn't happen last year.. things are going pretty good for us this year, so it's not as hard to deal with.. what I mean is, if this had happened last year.. I don't know what I would have done, things were so bad as it was already.. it would have been that much harder to deal with back then.

My heart is broken to say the least.. but I will be ok. I LOVE YOU BUDDY!!

Mel, I'm so very sorry to hear you are going through something similar :eek:
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is behind you.
Prince George, BC
This sounds similar to what happened to my 19 year old cat, Shadow. Except that our vet knew that the tumor was a tumor. :\ The first one he had on his paw, so they removed it and one of his toes. The second one made him very sick and he didn't last a week. I was lucky to have been able to say good bye to him.

I feel your pain and I hope Buddy will pull through atleast long enough for you to say good bye to him.

I send love and condolences. ;-;


Fallen Angel's Geckos
Stockton, CA
Well.. this morning and today was and is going to be very hard. I had been so busy the last few days, that I just didn't have the time to really let this sink in. Now that I'm all caught up on work and everything else, it all hit me pretty hard.

Buddy is just getting worse, and going downhill fast. My dad and brother are putting him down today, then cremating him so that we can at least keep his ashes.

R.I.P. Buddy, I will always love you and remember you!



New Member
I am so sorry for your loss. It is hard to say good bye to a beloved friend and member of the family. As long as he lives on in your memories and your heart, he will never really be gone. HUGS!!!!


Fallen Angel's Geckos
Stockton, CA
Thank you so very much Kelly and Ruby, I really appreciate the comments. He will definintely always live on in my heart :heart:

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