Bad weight loss



All night and this morning he laid in his water dish. no noticable difference in skin to see a shed coming.



That slurry came out as a 3 inch worm.


i was talking to my mum about this gecko and she brought up a good point

could it be cancer ?

i mean it is possible for a gecko to get it as all that is needed is liveing cells

could this be an option ?

Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
All night and this morning he laid in his water dish.
Geckos will do this when they are in severe abdominal pain. See my previous post:

I couldn't see the photo of the slurry poop... but if it came out looking exactly the way it did going in, your gecko is not digesting/absrobing any of it.

I always hope for the best, but it doesn't sound good for your gecko. I'm sure he is suffering tremendously.


Geckos will do this when they are in severe abdominal pain. See my previous post:

I couldn't see the photo of the slurry poop... but if it came out looking exactly the way it did going in, your gecko is not digesting/absrobing any of it.

I always hope for the best, but it doesn't sound good for your gecko. I'm sure he is suffering tremendously.

No, it came out looking like a worm, squooshy but solid poo.


New York
I have treated a cat twice that had hepatic lipidosis and thankfully she pulled through both times. The secret is aggressive feeding without making them vomit. I, too, put milk thistle in the a/d gruel that I fed her. As I recall, I feed small, frequent meals daily and increased the amount of food probably each day. I continued to offer canned cat food just in case she wanted to eat on her own. You should continue to offer him food too in addition to force feeding. This is a serious disease. I hope this guy pulls through for you.


Nothing new here... still sitting in water all day- cold... trying to keep him warm. He doesn't care for the slurry. Don't want to force it, but if I drop it on his nose, he doesn't lick it off.

Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
I'm sorry. It does not look good for your gecko at all. He is suffering tremendously if it refuses anything to eat and sits in it's water bowl to relieve it's pain. It is suffering!

I am going to step out on a limb here and recommend that you humanely end this poor creature's agony and pain, and euthanize him. It may sound cold and harsh, but it is the BEST thing you can do for this living creature. Trust me. I have been raising geckos for nearly 14 years, and the most compassionate and loving act you can do at this point is to end his misery.

If you need help in how to do this, call me. I will help you in every way I can to find the courage and strength to do it. I know how hard it is to make this decision, but it is the truest form of unselfish compassion you can do for your gecko.


New Member
Washington, DC
At this point it might not matter what is wrong- I agree with Marcia, it's time to be very seriously considering euthanasia. If you want this poor thing to live he needs to be fed the slurry as often and as much as you can manage without suffocating him or making him vomit. Something like 1cc 3x a day. And he needs to go to a vet that knows what they are talking about. Bloodwork if you can get it, another fecal, some meds hopefully.

The fact that something passed feces is very (very very) mildly promising, but honestly I have never seen a gecko as debilitated as yours is. Another thing to consider is the bone strength- if his bones are getting rubbery (demineralized) it may already be too late. It is really hard to turn them around once that gets out of control- even if you get them through it they can be severely deformed and need special handling for the rest of their lives, which is doable, but something to consider.

If you want to find out what is wrong with him, particularly to try to keep this from happening to other geckos- then when you find that herp vet, they can do a necropsy. That poor thing really doesn't look like he's going to last much longer, and that might be the only thing you can do.

I'm so sorry, he looks like a sweat heart.


ronaldo was put down yesterday.. didn't want him in pain anymore. very sad day


i am very sorry for your loss. you did the best thing for him and i'm sure he thanks you for ending his pain, and i'm sure he knew he was well cared for.

Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
I am so very sorry for the loss of your gecko. It is a very difficult decision to make when we decide to end a beloved animal's life. I want you to know that you did the most unselfish and loving thing you could do for him by not allowing him to suffer any longer. My heart goes out to you...


New Member
sorry for your loss =[
it sucks when a gecko dies like that
i had a little one that i had to put down last week, i had no idea what was wrong with him either, made the slurry and everything but nothing worked.

good luck with future geckos


I recently went to my LPS (major chain in Union Sq. manhattan NYC) and bitched at the manager and a few other ppl about how they kept their lizards. Baby beardies with giant crickets as feeders, chameleons with awful enclosures, terrible snake conditions, and then i saw the geckos.
These guys were by far the worst, they had just got in around 50 hatchlings, i saw a couple with limbs missing, tails missing for lots, several were shedding and very stressed.
They were being kept in a small tank with a lamp as a heater and a big rock hide.
Mealworms as feeders ugh just awful...

Anyways, after talking to the staff for a while they agreed to let me take at least one.
This was my first gecko, i have 4 beardies and i love lizards and i had a spare tank so i picked one of the worse looking guys i saw to see if i could help him.

Its been 2 weeks now. When I got him he was already super skinny but hadnt developed the black spot under his belly, i had been trying Marcia's Slurry but now he isnt even interested in it, at first he was then his poos were looking similiar to the slurry and he wasnt absorbing anything. Today was the first time I saw him go out of his hide on his own, he is sitting in the water bowl and i read that is in a lot of pain. It breaks my heart because he is only a baby, i wont post pics, maybe for proof if requested although i rather not take them.

Is there anything else I could do? Like I said he is a baby so giving him heavy meds will probably stress him out even more...
I havent taken him to the vet, I just couldnt afford it, 1 of my beardies recently caught parasites and the meds are very expensive but shes slowly pulling through.

Thanks for reading.
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Im pretty sure tonight will be my little guys last night.

Hes not moving much, not lifting his head much, his left eye is completely shut now.

I really hope he is not in pain.

I cant believe im asking this but...
How can I humanely euthanize him? I dont want him to suffer anymore.

Ugh... im having such a terrible day...


I went to check up on him 30 minutes ago before going to sleep.
I caught him spasming and losing control of his front paws, i could tell he was attempting to stand up.

I didnt know what to do so I put him in the freezer to end his suffering.
I feel horrified.

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