Bad weight loss



Wow, a lot of replies here. First off, my 'substrate' is a carpet-like material. There is nothing loose in his cage to be eaten. I will gather things for the slurry. These past few days have not been very good. I've never had to force feed before.


I got him a year 1/2 ago at pets mart in florida

The vet did not take xrays.
I just put a wax worm infront of him and he bit it instantly, but it looked like a 'weak' bite. he put it down.

edit: he didnt want a 2nd one. he looks like he's trying to shet. skin a little light. he was on his moist cloth so i'll put him back now.
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As I stated before, the Vet has given me a spray they said to use once a day. I'm curious if I should stop untill he fully sheds. Any opinions? I picture it moistening the skin, which will make it harder to shed.


well i dont think moistening the skin will make it harder, considering that humidity (moisture) helps them shed, which is why we have the moist hide. i actually mist my leo with a water bottle when hes shedding so he wont have any problems around the toes and such. i would say keep doing it.


his box.

dropped a thermostat on the hot side floor. 84-85 off the mat. 92-94 on the mat on hot side. 80-82 on coldside.

Hotside=right. Coldside=left. calc cup, water on cold side. 1 house and damp cloth (he has layed under) on left side. 1 big enclosure on right side. Misc rocks scattered about.


here is a new picture of his belly. it doesnt look good.

today i made him eat a cricket, and 2 wax worms. tomorrow i'll pick up some mealworms and try feeding him them again.


Mod Squad Member
Sterling Ohio
Wow, a lot of replies here. First off, my 'substrate' is a carpet-like material. There is nothing loose in his cage to be eaten. I will gather things for the slurry. These past few days have not been very good. I've never had to force feed before.

Marcia's Slurry, have you tried it yet? It does miracles.

Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
The dark area in your gecko's abdomen is his liver. He has hepatic lipidosis, or fatty liver, from starvation. When geckos go off food for a long time, their fat reserves mobilize at a very fast rate and the fat clogs up the liver, causing it to swell up and darken.

I'm sorry to say that your gecko is in critical condition. PLEASE get him started on my slurry ASAP. It will not 'cure' anything, but it can keep him alive with nourishment until whatever is wrong with him can be diagnosed. Keep in mind that Crypto as well as bacterial infections will NOT show up on routine fecal exams.

Fecal samples need to be sent out to a lab to be tested for Crypto, or grown in a petri dish to check for bacterial infections. If it is a bacterial infection, a broad-spectrum antibiotic like Baytril will take care of it if it's caught early enough. If your gecko has Crypto, there is no cure, and he should be humanely euthanized.

If he has a bacterial infection, he may be too sick to survive the antibiotic treatment, so time is of the essence! My slurry will help provide him with nourishment, and give him something in his system to poop for a more comprehensive lab test.

I am so very sorry you are going through this, and I know your gecko is suffering. My heart goes out to you and your gecko, and I wish you the best...


I'm going to call the vet in the morning that took the stool sample, and ask if Crypto was tested. Tomorrow I am also picking up mealworms once again, and tossing together the slur.

The thing I don't understand is why he stopped eating all of a sudden. He has been sick for about a month 1/2 now. I'll do what I can.

Oh, I read pepto bismol can help any stomach pain on a gecko. should i pick up a small bottle?
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Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
If your gecko has stopped eating completely, his liver is probably failing and he is in pain. I wouldn't give your gecko ANYTHING that isn't formulated for reptiles and you cannot dose accurately.


I called the vet this evening and they said Crypto was tested for in his stool and everything came back negative. I have gathered everything for the slurry and i'm about to blend it up.


I think he likes the slurry. Whenever I would put a drop of medicine on his nose, he would show no interest, and eventually wipe it on my shirt!, but he is licking every drop up.


Not sure if its worth stating, but for the past 3 days he hasn't opened his eyes. After i fed him a good amount of slurry, i washed him and now his eye is open. i hope he will turn for the best. Oh, i did include acidophilus (2x10mg) and milk whistle (2x250mg) in the slurry. If I should add more of either, let me know. The instructions just listed Tablets, not a mg amount.


Alright thanks for all of the responses, marcia.

Right now Ronaldo is sitting on my warm laptop warming up his belly. I havn't seen him directly on heat in many days.

Earlier when I was washing him, and i picked him up by his stomach, i heard a farting noise. Wonder if that made him feel better, hahaha.

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