Ball Python Or Leopard Gecko?


New Member
Now i know this forums says geckoforums lol and i know it has sub forums. I have 2 ball pythons, a normal and a pastel my ex got me. I been thinking about getting a leopard gecko for a bit, now my parrents are more than ok with me getting a gecko. My dad and brother HATES snakes with a passion, and how i got my snakes? well i pretty much brought em home and kept it a secret till they found out haha. Now I wanna know from people, do you pefer a BP or a leopard gecko, and tell me why. Also which do you think is cheaper feeding. The reason im asking and putting this in the category is cause im looking to getting a leopard, buut also possible conversion into Leopard geckos for now till i get my own place and if i want snakes again i could w.o parrents. Sorry for a long read. :p


New Member
palmetto FL
IMO i love BP but if i already had 2, a leo would be nice. Just to spice it up a bit. As far as feeding leos take the cake with exspence with me. Unless you breed the feeders they tend to require you buy them often not to mention the price of calcium and nutrients but still leos are worth it. By the way me and my mom snuck my king into my room so my stepdad wouldnt find it lol he found it 3 days after.


Quality is Everything
Corona, CA
Well which do YOU like more? I like them both for their own reasons. I love working with geckos and producing some interesting babies, as well as they have more personality than BP. I also love snakes and enjoy all the morphs BP have and equally enjoy producing an array of morphs as well. Some things for you to consider are not just food now but as adults, space, supplies, and lifespan...


New Member
Im not positive what i like more, i mean i loveee my pastel way more than my female. Also as for the "Some things for you to consider are not just food now but as adults, space, supplies, and lifespan..." I built a decent sized rack. If i have to add on ill spend another $25 on a huuge sheet of melamine no big deal. So lifespan, space arnt an issue as for supplies i have everything, heat tape, something to control the heat, tubs and all. Im not that dumb where i wanna rush in. I always think of everything before i do something, which is why im asking questions and looking for others opinions.

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