Ball Pythons as pets


breeder in training
Frederick, MD
Ok well I have kept a alot of different type of reptiles for pets with little fear or worry. Almost a year ago I decided to try my hands at snakes. All my friends that are into reptiles keep ball pythons and red tail boas. To me boas are out of the question (to big). I decided to get corn snakes because as babies they dont intimidate me. But Ball pythons are very interesting me but I cant seem to buy. Everytime I decide to get one, I get to the store and talk my self out of it. I hold them and I am fine I just get kinda of leery about them I guess, maybe its the thickness or the fact when they ball up their heads a strike can come from anywhere. I know that each snake is different and I also know dont handle them smelling like a rodent. But be honest with me how often do they really try and bite?


New Member
New York
Every snake is different. BPs are generally fine but sometimes can run across a baby thats nippy. A bite is not that big of a deal really, it more startles you then anything if you dont see it coming. The worse bite I got from a BP was from a feeding mistake. I was going to feed my one BP an adult mouse which is to small a meal for her but I did not have any medium rats so thought I would give her a snack.. Well I guess she wanted a little more then a snack LOL.. It was my fault for using to small of feeding tongs, she struck up past the mouse and grabbed my hand and wrapped around my hand. So hear I am standing there with a 3-3 1/2 BP hanging off my hand and blood dripping all over lol.. That sounded a lot worse then it really was I am sure.. But a feeding bite like that would be the worse bite you can get and even that is not that big of a deal. Defense bites are a quick strike and bite and release, just gonna feel like pin pricks basically I guess is best way to put it. But if you are really that worried about it then snakes may not be for you.


New Member
Grand Blanc, MI
We have quite a few ball pythons and I've only been taged once by a baby during a feeding responce and never by an adult.

However that being the norm and there's always exceptions to the rule.

Once they are handled more often they tend to be very laid back as adults.


breeder in training
Frederick, MD
Ok those reponses both make alot of sense. To Reptileman27 its not so much that I am that worried about it, it is the fact that for me 9 times out of 10 pet store bought animals arent in the best shape and most likely very unhappy. The reason I bring that up is because I am an impatient guy sometimes lol, when it comes to my pets when I decide I want something I got to go get it very soon or it will bother me. Kind of like a kid with money in his pocket, they just gotta spend it. So I would have to go to a pet store to get one because there are now shows around me currently. But as you explained it a BP bite sounds no worse than when my corn bite me which, as you says startles you more than anything.

Lastly hey BallzForU, I see that you are from Rocky River, Ohio, you not to far from my hometown, Im from right outside Cleveland. Thanks for the advice!


New Member
New York
I can understand not really having any reptile shows around and not wanting to wait but instead of buying some import from a pet store you could get a nice beautiful baby online from good breeder and have it shipped to your door overnight. Just a thought, sure would probably be much happier that way :)


New Member
Miami, FL
I have a BP that was purchased by someone I know from a pet store for the exact reason you give: Because they were too impatient to wait & contact a breeder and decided that an impulse purchase was best. To make a long story short, I ended up with an adult, WILD caught ball python imported from Africa with a few ticks that came from heaven knows where. It has severe issues with shyness around people, has struck at me and tagged me several times, and just generally doesn't like being held, despite the efforts i've put into socializing him with me. He's a naughty little boy, with an attitude more like a blood, but I love him dearly and i'm still able to care for him.

If this wasn't a rescue, and I made the decision to purchase a snake, I would MUCH rather purchase an animal I know to be captive bred, eating well and healthy through a well known breeder and sacrafice a few days, then going to a store on impulse and possibly sacraficing a few years from the ANIMALS life. The one's from breeders are so much prettier anyways! Just my 2c.
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breeder in training
Frederick, MD
that reason you gave is the same reason I dont buy them from the store lol. You I know whats the right way in doing things, just hard to make myself do it sometimes lol. But for some reason I thought that the MARS show in Timonium was shut down but apparently Im wrong and its next week, so Ill go there. Nearly half their vendors were selling BPs last time I went so I should be able to find one there. Im really excited about the Hamburg show on OCT. 17th, that show has so much Im never disappointed.

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