Beautiful Misfortune


Quality is Everything
Corona, CA
Well we acquired a pair of Tangerine het Eclipse ph Tremper...Unfortunately they proved to be het Tremper. Luckily I have another Tangerine Eclipse that's pure and I didn't cross this guy to anything else besides a buddies Tremper to try to prove him pure. We will be letting both Tangerines from this pairing go as well as all their babies. So far all but 1 of their babies have been very nice Dorsal Stripes and even a few Tri-Stripes (similar to this girl) and a few eclipses too. Beautiful girl for sure.


I don't have anything against Tremper albinos, just not looking to work with them anymore. However, seeing ones like this make me reconsider sometimes. Thanks for looking.

Anyone else ever have a pair of PH prove out NOT in their favor?

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