These are two of my leos, Dottie and Lenore, hanging out near the top of their new aquarium. Will put up some more pix when I can figure out how to take them without it looking terrible (this was the only one of 30 some pics to look good on my friend's camera)
See I see all of the time that people keep two Leo's together and that is what I would like to do with the 1 year old male I just got but everyone says not to. Well I say it is a male but i have not checked yet (giving him a while to settle). The previous owner said it was a male but the more I research and learn the more I realize she did not know very much about Leo's.
Well, sometimes it just depends on who you have. I had the pink one living with another gecko, and it didn't work out. She was very social, and the other one didn't want anything to do with her. They weren't really fighting, the other gecko just got majorly stressed out by having the pink one around. If the pink one would come in to share a hide with the other, he would just leave, and then they'd almost chase each other around the tank from hide to hide until one or the other would give up. It was kind of funny actually, but stressful for the anti-social one.