Best way to move tokays


New Member
Hey guys, first off I am new to this forum and to keeping geckos. I come from the amphibian world, I keep lots of poison dart frogs. But I've always had a thing for geckos and other reptiles to. Right now I have 2 leos and 1 tokay. The Tokay gecko just had some fake plants, couple hides and paper towel substrate. Its in a 10g and still a juvie. I'm wanting to put in some coco fiber substrate, along with some real plants (pothos) and some large branches maybe if I find any. I was wondering what's the best way to move the tokay gecko so I can re-do his tank?


Uroplatus Fanatic
Buffalo, NY
If you can't pick him up with gloves, get a large fish or bird net and trap him in that. That's the easiest way to move aggressive, fast moving geckos.


New Member
Okay cool thanks. I was thinking with gloves I could pick it up, but I'm not real experienced with handling geckos and they are pretty fast... Lol.


Uroplatus Fanatic
Buffalo, NY
Most of my tokays I can handle without gloves if I'm careful, but I have a couple who are very nervous and one patternless green male who's downright evil. I use a big fish net. If you grab them they may drop their tails, and if your goal is to have a tame tokay you want to try gentle handling(use gloves if you're worried about getting bit) without restraint. Try to coax the gecko onto your hand(keep it flat in front of the gecko so you don't get bitten) with the other. It's easier with babies as their bites don't really hurt and eventually they realize you're not going to hurt them.


Evil Playsand User
Albuquerque, NM, USA
  1. Moisten paper towels or hand towel
  2. Bandaids or liquid skin antiseptic
  3. Paranoided nerves
  4. Big pair of cajones
  5. Willingness to accept the inevitable

Make tokay upset, insert hand into habitat, make a fist such that your index finger is pointing at mouth of tokay, insert into mouth, let tokay bite and then while attached to finger (while screaming in pain and laughing hysterically at the amount of blood) transfer to temp tank.

The moist towel is to help control the bleeding. :main_laugh: :main_evilgrin:

OR you can use the towel (dry in this case) to let the gecko bite or as a means to cover the gecko in an attempt to reduce stress.

These have been my means of moving mine when needing to clean, redesign, etc. I don't mind the biting except the lone adult I have now is a beefy male and the first tokay I ever hatched (cb march 99). He tore into me about 3 years ago to the point where I thought I was going to need to head to the er that night for stitches. His decease father was a lot more calm and actually handleable. Grumpy pants now lives is a fully planted 90 gallon tank in my living room.

DISCLAIMER: I'd probably go t-rex's route. Though the above is definitely another realistic means.T :p


New Member
Long Island
Swords and armor my friend.....

No, I use welding gloves to pick mine up for his weekly cage cleaning. He hates it but then again there is not much he actually likes.


New Member
  1. Moisten paper towels or hand towel
  2. Bandaids or liquid skin antiseptic
  3. Paranoided nerves
  4. Big pair of cajones
  5. Willingness to accept the inevitable

Make tokay upset, insert hand into habitat, make a fist such that your index finger is pointing at mouth of tokay, insert into mouth, let tokay bite and then while attached to finger (while screaming in pain and laughing hysterically at the amount of blood) transfer to temp tank.

The moist towel is to help control the bleeding. :main_laugh: :main_evilgrin:

OR you can use the towel (dry in this case) to let the gecko bite or as a means to cover the gecko in an attempt to reduce stress.

These have been my means of moving mine when needing to clean, redesign, etc. I don't mind the biting except the lone adult I have now is a beefy male and the first tokay I ever hatched (cb march 99). He tore into me about 3 years ago to the point where I thought I was going to need to head to the er that night for stitches. His decease father was a lot more calm and actually handleable. Grumpy pants now lives is a fully planted 90 gallon tank in my living room.

DISCLAIMER: I'd probably go t-rex's route. Though the above is definitely another realistic means.T :p

Thank you for the chuckle of the day! I enjoyed it!!!!


Shillelagh Law
Odd. I don't usually like gloves, or any handling tools that have variability in the texture and feel of the process. The information that gets transmitted through them is too valuable to lose; I'd rather be able to feel the gecko shift its weight or pull around than deaden that sensation with gloves.

touch 13

Kitchener, Ontario
I Have A 16month tokay weighing in at 60Grams yesterday =]!! and a 3-6month weighing in at 29! but in order to clean the tank i have a pair of leather gloves so their little teethlike groves dont get stuck in anything. I've seen people use cotton or laytex and the gecko's teeth get stuck. Try and avoid this, it will just promote more stress

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