Bioactive tank help


New Member
Hello! I’m going to go bioactive (or try) for my crested gecko. I’m confused about the clean up crew. Is it ok to have multiple kinds of bugs, and how many do I need? The tank is a 55 gallon that stands vertically. Also do I need to keep an eye on the crew and add more at times? Thank you!


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Put in whatever bugs you want and however many you want (obviously not thousands and thousands). They will breed to the degree that the enclosure will let them and if they get too numerous they will die off. If, after awhile, you notice that one kind of bug doesn't seem to be around, you could get more and try again, or just decide that this type of bug isn't a good fit for your enclosure. One of the joys, in my opinion, of bioactive environments is that once set up, they cycle on their own (at least mine do!) without a lot of worry or intervention.



New Member
Put in whatever bugs you want and however many you want (obviously not thousands and thousands). They will breed to the degree that the enclosure will let them and if they get too numerous they will die off. If, after awhile, you notice that one kind of bug doesn't seem to be around, you could get more and try again, or just decide that this type of bug isn't a good fit for your enclosure. One of the joys, in my opinion, of bioactive environments is that once set up, they cycle on their own (at least mine do!) without a lot of worry or intervention.

Thank you so much for your help!

Herpin Man

I would stick with springtails and/or dwarf isopods. Pruinosis reproduce out of control, and larger isopods may present a risk to the geckos.
If the environmental factors are suitable for them, it’s unlikely that you’ll have to keep adding them.
Having a cleanup crew is unlikely to completely absolve you from having to clean up poop.

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