Was the Enigma an Eclipse Enigma or Enigma het Eclipse, and the Mack Super Snow a Mack Super Snow Eclipse or het Eclipse? Because even though that does look like a black hole, if there are no Eclipse genes at play, then it can't be a Black Hole (Mack Eclipse Enigma). It would be a Mack Enigma.
i don´t know about the het. Eclipse of both parents. The male is a Enigma het.Tremper het.Raptor and the Female is a hatchling from Mack Snow´s i have become from Alberto (AM Geckos)
Whats the different between Mack Enigma and Black Hole ? The Mack Enigma have also black solid eyes ?
A Black Hole is a Mack Enigma Eclipse (Non-Albino version of a Dreamsickle).
A Mack Enigma won't have solid black eyes... It could just be because it is a hatchling, and because the eyes are so small, sometimes hatchlings eyes look like they are solid black, but really they are normal eyes, but as they grow, they become more clear... Or there could be some black pigment showing from the Enigma gene at work (but still not an Eclipse)... Sometimes the Enigma gene can do funny things to the eyes of geckos, lol.