Black Night Project II


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Really??? That's the first comment on that side of the fence out of hundreds. :)

I know what you mean though. But if you handled one in person you'd be blown away, I can assure you. I've never been so captivated by the sight of any morph as with this one. And I've seen some cool geckos...

I am also intrigued by the potential combinations that could happen from these...combining them with WYs, Enigmas, Tangs, and on and on. The possibilities are endless. We'll have to see what the future brings with these.

It may be because most of the other lines of "black gecko" I've seen are actually muddy brown which remind me of some of my less impressive Mack snows after they yellow up (or rather "muddy gray-yellow up") but these are in a totally different class.


Footprints Gecko

New Member
Wales, UK
I was fortunate enough to see these geckos at the Hamm show along with hundreds of other people on Roy's table before they were shipped out to Ray - I can confirm that these ones truly are black as can be, although there are a few from the project that have some brownish patterning etc they are still breathtaking to say the least.

I wish you all the best with these in the Future Ray - Make sure you dont 'muck it up' ;)


IMO and experience in working with "Black Project" geckos, any out crossing of these geckos will only wash out the "Blackness" of them and all but ruin the look that is trying to be achieved. Its a shame that you only have two Girls and no male. Good luck with the project


New Member
IMO and experience in working with "Black Project" geckos, any out crossing of these geckos will only wash out the "Blackness" of them and all but ruin the look that is trying to be achieved. Its a shame that you only have two Girls and no male. Good luck with the project

+1 agreed. I recently had this discussion with someone on the forum who asked "Blood cross x ___something__: Will hatchlings be "blood" also?". I, and others, had to explain that a Blood cross had already lost half the linebred quality (probably 5+years of linebreeding), and a second "cross" is going to lose about another HALF of the linebred quality that was remaining..

Think there was a little strategy in selling 2 females with no males? lol Is the original breeder the only person who still has "male & female" "pure" black night breeding groups?


New Member
Good points. I'm still interested in seeing a photo with a flash (or no effects). Will we see one? I asked them on fb to post more pics, but just like in these threads they ignore my post.


New Member
I'm still interested in seeing a photo with a flash (or no effects). Will we see one? I asked them on fb to post more pics, but just like in these threads they ignore my post.

Did you watch this video on the fb page? You can look at the shadows of everything in the video (feed/water bowls, the Leo itself, etc) and see that there is "adequate->semi-bright" somewhat natural lighting. If they did extensive "photoshopping" of the video or if they adjusted the lighting of the room to "enhance" the darkness of the Leo, it would be obvious in the darkness of the shadows of everything else. Looks decently dark to me in a natural (not superbright nor superdark) lighting.

video=[video=facebook;305657609581890] &type=2&theater[/video]


New Member
I watched the video. I agree the video isn't enhanced. I'm just saying the pictures posted most likely aren't a true representation of the actual animal. What you would see with your own eyes if you handled the gecko. I'd love to be proven wrong. I'd love a jet black gecko. Get some cool Halloween mask lighter pattern in it or something, would be awesome. I prefer to see photos of what it would look like to my own eyes in person. I can make my geckos look crazy with simple photo editing tools. But why if that's not what they look like when I pull the tub out from the rack?

And also, that video isn't the same owner as the original poster. Unless I am mistaken.


New Member
Northern California
But you still won't post an actual photo of then with no adjustments? How about a photo on a white background with and without a flash?... These "new" photos are obviously shopped just like the first ones you posted.

I can guarantee the geckos look NOTHING like they do in person compared to the photos you've posted. I'd love for you to prove me wrong, I'd love a jet black gecko. Based on the "natural" photos you've posted... They don't look so natural to me.

Like I said, no hating. Prove me wrong and I will retract my statement.

I second this. What's the point of posting photoshopped images? If you want people to appreciate what you have, show the real thing, not some altered photo.

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