Hi All, Yes I got one with Pat and I went back several times and never saw any other or I would of bought one more. So Paul what time did you go get yours? I think its cool but wonder if its like a blizzard and changes color like a mood gecko. This was the slowest Hamburg show I had ever been too but people were buying so maybe it wasn't too bad for vendors. Thanks Pat for the wonderful gecks I got from you, I also bought a young hopefully female bell and a Adult Blazing Blizzard Male as white as could be with ruby eyes. because my babies with the red eyes are TSF. So hopefully Pat and I will have Pairs. Plus I sure hope I have more because I have others wanting some. So noone likes these dark gecks? I would never call them turds. Come on you guys Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and who knows We might have stumpled upon something that makes some COOL gecks in the future. Deb
I like them, a little darker and solid black eyes would be really neat. I could only imagine what you would get if you crossed it with a blizzard or albino.
Sorry I missed you Deb as I was looking forward to meeting more people from this site. I got my 2 around 12 noon while Pat and his GF were eating lunch. My GF isn't a reptile nut like me, so 4 hours was enough for her at that fairly lame show.
I will get there early again in june to see if anymore are at the next show.
pat freaking awesoem i never been big pattenrless fan as u know but that is cool. now if oyl someone woudl come up with mr dream gecko solid orange with jet black tail haha. def need to get down there to see all your new ones u go this yr. sometimes beofre augst i am so coming down there