

New Member
Ok. So I'm just trying to find some pictures of Blizzards, Blazing Blizzards, and Banana Blizzards. I'm getting more confused. I thought I had them DOWN! But, my continued search is proving me confused... I'm seeing Blazing blizzards that I thought were bananas. Blizzards that I thought were Blazing. Can anyone clarify for me?
I thought the ones that can turn slightly yellow were banana?
The ones that were solid white were blazing?
Blizzards were the ones that were white but darker than blazing?


Blizzards can go from darker color almost grey (like midnight blizzard)

Blazing Blizzards are pure white, somewhat pink and can have a little yellow to them.

Banana Blizzard can be white with a good bit of yellow.

If I'm wrong someone will correct this :D


Bells Rule!
Nice LVBB Andrea!

One thing to note, a true Banana Blizzard is a double homozygous Patternless Blizzard. If they aren't they're just High Yellow Blizzards.

I have a prediction that in 5-7 years a Diablo Blanco will be any Blazing Blizzard with solid red eyes. Raptor? Huh? I guess it will take a lot of amazing new morphs to make people forget about them though... Eh we'll see...


New Member
Ok. Thanks. So I was kinda right. But just got thoroughly confused...

Just curious.

If you breed a blizzard, even a midnight, to a blazing what would be the outcome?

How about a banana to a blazing?

Or blizzard to a banana?


New Member
goReptiles said:
Ok. Thanks. So I was kinda right. But just got thoroughly confused...

Just curious.

If you breed a blizzard, even a midnight, to a blazing what would be the outcome?

How about a banana to a blazing?

Or blizzard to a banana?
In all cases you will get blizzards, with various hets (i.e. the blizzard x blazing will give albino hets, while the blizzard x banana will give patternless hets, and the banana to blazing will give double hets for albino and patternless).


Bells Rule!
goReptiles said:
cool. so the blazings descend from albinos, bananas descend from patternless?

Blazing = Albino / Banana = Patternless

A Blazing Blizzard is expressing both Blizzard and Albino traits. A Banana Blizzard is expressing both Patternless and Blizzard traits.


The first blazings were produced because the first major breeder to get thier hands on blizzards hoped that an albino blizzard would have solid red eyes.

The first bananas were produced because that same breeder though that the blizzard and patternless were the same thing at first. So they bred a blizzard female to a patternless male and got normal looking babies. From those double hets came the first true banana blizzards. After that people linebred blizzards to get more and more yellow (high yellow blizzards) and started calling them banana blizzards too :main_rolleyes:.

A true blizzard will have normal eyes and is usually darker than a blazing. They come in white, to yellow and white, to grey.

A Blazing blizzard will have albino eyes. They are usually white and pink.

A TRUE banana blizzard would have normal eyes, a yellow body, and a white tail and head. They would also hatch out with faint patterning down their backs. If a banana blizzard were bred to a patternless, then all the babies would be patternless het blizzard.

A high yellow blizzard would look alot like a banana blizzard (and is usually falsely called such) but would not hatch with a faint pattern, and if bred to a patternless would produce high yellow double het hatchlings.


thay arent good pics but heres my baby banana blizzard with one snake eye.




New Member
okapi said:
The first blazings were produced because the first major breeder to get thier hands on blizzards hoped that an albino blizzard would have solid red eyes.

The first bananas were produced because that same breeder though that the blizzard and patternless were the same thing at first. So they bred a blizzard female to a patternless male and got normal looking babies. From those double hets came the first true banana blizzards. After that people linebred blizzards to get more and more yellow (high yellow blizzards) and started calling them banana blizzards too :main_rolleyes:.

A true blizzard will have normal eyes and is usually darker than a blazing. They come in white, to yellow and white, to grey.

A Blazing blizzard will have albino eyes. They are usually white and pink.

A TRUE banana blizzard would have normal eyes, a yellow body, and a white tail and head. They would also hatch out with faint patterning down their backs. If a banana blizzard were bred to a patternless, then all the babies would be patternless het blizzard.

A high yellow blizzard would look alot like a banana blizzard (and is usually falsely called such) but would not hatch with a faint pattern, and if bred to a patternless would produce high yellow double het hatchlings.

the only know true banana blizzard that has been PROVEN to contain both genes was one. owned by kelli hammack. i am sure there are more, maybe but the only one i have ever heard of being actually proven out was that one. as babies you MAY not be able to tell the difference, since little blizzards hatch out looking kinda odd sometimes (as far as color and head pattern n stuff). so you can not trust a visual sign like you can in other morph crosses. only way of truly knowning is to breed it and prove it


New Member
robin said:
the only know true banana blizzard that has been PROVEN to contain both genes was one. owned by kelli hammack. i am sure there are more, maybe but the only one i have ever heard of being actually proven out was that one. as babies you MAY not be able to tell the difference, since little blizzards hatch out looking kinda odd sometimes (as far as color and head pattern n stuff). so you can not trust a visual sign like you can in other morph crosses. only way of truly knowning is to breed it and prove it

Is there really such thing as a pattyblizz:D--true banana blizz as in one that het patty het blizz ? when you go though the process of creating them.They say they have been proven but very rarely.For exsample if you breed,

blizz x patty = norm het blizz & patty.THEN.
het blizz & patty x het blizz & patty = amoung others you get pattyblizz AKA true banana blizz.
But same way can also give you standed hi-yellow blizz het patty so.

blizz x patty = norm het blizz & patty.THEN.
het blizz & patty x het blizz & patty = amoung others knowing that you can get yellow blizz with out the patty gene.Can give you yellow blizz het patty.
yellow blizz het patty x blizz = blizz poss het patty.
yellow blizz het patty x patty = patty & normals het blizz & patty.So say on the yellow blizz het patty x patty = only hatch some eggs whitch hatch patty one may think they had pattyblizz--true banana blizz if there is such a thing.
Pattyblizz x blizz = blizz same as above.

pattyblizz x patty = patty or is it just they didn't hatch any normal ? and thought they has some the really didn't ???.
I'm not saying that true banana blizzards don't exsist but i do think it's deffantly questible ? coz the only way to know for sure is to breed a true banana blizzard ?? to a patternless for a high number of eggs to be layed 8 at least and for all of them to hatch patternless has this amount of patternless ever been hatch from this type of breeding ???.

I'm trying it any way will take a while though i'm breeding my albino blizzard to my albino patternless both tremper line so we will see if i get a albino pattyblizz by the end.When i get my albino pattyblizz i'll breed it back to a albino patternless if i get any normals well i'll got from there:main_thumbsup: .
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New Member
Hanover, PA
hmm, lvpa to a blizz sounds pretty simple...
but then you have a triple het to try to bring out, thats where it gets harder, chances are you probley woulnt be able to do it the first year unless u have like 3 different females in the process:p


New Member
Gazz said:
Is there really such thing as a pattyblizz:D--true banana blizz as in one that het patty het blizz ? when you go though the process of creating them.They say they have been proven but very rarely.For exsample if you breed,

blizz x patty = norm het blizz & patty.THEN.
het blizz & patty x het blizz & patty = amoung others you get pattyblizz AKA true banana blizz.
But same way can also give you standed hi-yellow blizz het patty so.

blizz x patty = norm het blizz & patty.THEN.
het blizz & patty x het blizz & patty = amoung others knowing that you can get yellow blizz with out the patty gene.Can give you yellow blizz het patty.
yellow blizz het patty x blizz = blizz poss het patty.
yellow blizz het patty x patty = patty & normals het blizz & patty.So say on the yellow blizz het patty x patty = only hatch some eggs whitch hatch patty one may think they had pattyblizz--true banana blizz if there is such a thing.
Pattyblizz x blizz = blizz same as above.

pattyblizz x patty = patty or is it just they didn't hatch any normal ? and thought they has some the really didn't ???.
I'm not saying that true banana blizzards don't exsist but i do think it's deffantly questible ? coz the only way to know for sure is to breed a true banana blizzard ?? to a patternless for a high number of eggs to be layed 8 at least and for all of them to hatch patternless has this amount of patternless ever been hatch from this type of breeding ???.

I'm trying it any way will take a while though i'm breeding my albino blizzard to my albino patternless both tremper line so we will see if i get a albino pattyblizz by the end.When i get my albino pattyblizz i'll breed it back to a albino patternless if i get any normals well i'll got from there:main_thumbsup: .

Without meaning to sound rude, can you please make a little more effort in structuring your posts? I find them very hard to follow sometimes so normally just ignore lots of the post.

Anyway, there is such thing as a true banana blizzard as robin said earlier. It was proven as a true banana by KelliH, obviously by breeding with both patternless and blizzards, and getting 100% patternless (het blizzard) and 100% blizzard (het patternless) offspring respectively.

Also not quite sure where you get the figure eight from as being the necessary number of patternless/blizzard offspring to prove out a banana blizzard. Is it just a random number or is there some logic behind it? Even if just four of four offspring hatched as patternless from a suspected banana blizzard x patternless mating, there would only be a 6.25% chance of this happening if the suspected banana blizzard was only het for patternless (and typically when something has a lower than 5% probability of being due to chance alone, it can be statistically accepted as 'significant').
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New Member
cjreptiles said:
Without meaning to sound rude, can you please make a little more effort in structuring your posts? I find them very hard to follow sometimes so normally just ignore lots of the post.

Anyway, there is such thing as a true banana blizzard as robin said earlier. It was proven as a true banana by KelliH, obviously by breeding with both patternless and blizzards, and getting 100% patternless (het blizzard) and 100% blizzard (het patternless) offspring respectively.

I don't want to go on and on like last time :main_rolleyes: :D but out of intrest how meny eggs was layed and hatch ? .like if kelliH got say 8 eggs and 8 patternless offsping then yes with out a doutb yes i'm fully conviced.But i'm still open to questoning if it only around 4 eggs was layed and 4 patternless offspring was hatched that's all.As it still leaves open the possiblity that the pearent still COULD be yellow blizzard het patternless and not a true banana blizzard.
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New Member
Gazz said:
I don't want to go on and on like last time :main_rolleyes: :D but out of intrest how meny eggs was layed and hatch ? .like if kelliH got say 8 eggs and 8 patternless offsping then yes with out a doutb yes i'm fully conviced.But i'm still open to questoning if it only around 2 to 4 eggs was layed that was patternless that's all.As it still leaves open the possiblity that they still COULD be yellow blizzard het patternless.
No idea about the details, sorry. As I said earlier (well, edited it in ;)) if four out of four hatched patternless, that would have been pretty convincing, while five out of five would have been statistically acceptable (significant) using the usual 5%.

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