
Grinning Geckos

Tegan onboard.
Hi everyone,

As you can imagine, I've been pretty busy. I just got out of the hospital yesterday evening. I was in labor for 23 hours :shocked:, and about 19 hours of that was spent just getting to 3cm dilated! I had a TON of back labor. Thank god for good drugs - I would have gone out of my mind feeling contractions every 2 - 3 minutes for that long. The Dr had come in at about 5pm and said it looked like I was going to have her Friday, and 4 hours later we were done!

Her stats are:

Birthday - Oct. 12
Weight - 8lb. 7oz.
Length - 20 1/2"

We've had a pretty rough start with things. When she was born, she gave a little squeak and then didn't breath for a short period of time. They couldn't get her to cry for them, and ended up rushing her off to the nursery for observation after showing her to us for a quick second. They ended up taking her to the NICU shortly afterwards - we didn't hear ANYTHING about her for the first 3 or 4 hours after she was born.

They found she had fluid on her lungs...they were/are treating her for pneumonia just in case. We'll find out today if they're going to continue antibiotics. She was kept on positive airflow with oxygen for the first 36 hours. When we saw her yesterday she was completely off the air. She also was creating a lot of stomach fluids, which they started medication for yesterday morning. She got to eat for the first time yesterday as well (thank god - she was getting really fussy about that!).

As of last night, she had kept down all of her feedings and was progressing well. She's having a problem with a low heart rate, which they're trying to find a cause for. They think they heard a heart murmur, which may be causing it. Her blood oxygen levels are staying good despite the low heart rate. She's a bit jaundiced as well.

Every time we see her, she's made some progress. If she keeps going well, we can hopefully take her home sometime in the middle of the week. Leaving her at the hospital last night was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. It just tears me apart that we're at home without her. She's probably one of the better off babies in the NICU, but I just can't help worrying about her.

She's been a really good baby so far. She very easy to calm down when she's fussing, though the nurses tell me she can be a little drama queen when she wants. She looks like a perfect little angel and I can't believe she's mine. I can't wait to bring her home. She's VERY strong for a newborn...which isn't much of a surprise to me considering the beating my insides were taking. She kept the nurses busy by CONSTANTLY ripping off the tape that was holding the airline in place. As a result, her skin is VERY irritated. We're hoping most of it will clear up soon.

Well, enough talking - her she is! This is her on Friday and one day old. We'll get some more pictures today and post them when I get home tonight. Most of my time (until she gets home) will be spent at the hospital visiting her.


Stripes are in!
Big Bend, WI
Oh god Shanti, shes beautiful! I love those pictures! I am glad your safe, and I wish the best of luck to little Cadence into coming home to mom and daddy quickly! CONGRATS *hugs*

Jeremy Letkey

Jaded by reality!!
outta my freakin mind
She is BEAUTIFUL! I'm, sure that she will be joing you and Eric at home very soon. Thanks for updating everyone, I wanted to leave that for you to do.

Welcome to the amazing world of parenthood. It has ebbs and flows but it is never lacking in love.


Ohh, Shanti, what a beautiful little face. Fingers crossed and prayers that she'll be home in no time flat. Lots of love and congratulations to all three of you!


New Member
Grand Blanc, MI
Shanti & Eric, she's absolutely beautiful! I'm so happy for you both. Payers go out to you both and to the little princess, that she will be home very soon.


New Member
Fort Worth, TX
What a beautiful little girl! I am so happy for you guys. Steve and I had a similar experience with Conor; he had inhaled some amniotic fluid right before birth, and although he was crying when he was born, it was very faint. Don't worry Shanti, Cadence will make up for that later just like Conor did (that boy has a set of lungs on him like you wouldn't believe).

Anyway, big congrats from the Hammack family!

Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
Shanti and Eric, Cadence is just about as beautiful as they come! :baby: Congratulations!!! The three of you are in my thoughts and prayers, and I know your precious little daughter will be home very soon. :heart: Keep us posted!


New Member
McDonough, Ga
Very cute girl!!! Warn Eric that them little girls wrap their daddys around there finger rather quickly (if she hasn't already), so be prepared for that. I am going on 4 1/2 years of being wrapped around my little girls finger. But I have enjoyed every minute.

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