I'm new to leo's and got what I was told is a super snow raptor but now I am not sure. I am unable to post pics now but will try later
is this yours?
did you buy this gecko from a reputable breeder?
i was looking at the photos of the super raptors and yours looks more like a super tremper albino or possibly a snow raptor. it looks like the SS raptors are lighter and have a less defined pattern. but i am no expert, i have just seen photos of them.
Essentially SSRaptors should be completely white, with red eyes.
Because it seems not even RAPTORs need to be patternless anymore, its something thats going to happen with all RAPTOR combos, for example ive only ever seen a handful of true Novas.
With the SSRaptor it has to be test bred unless you have two proven homozygous SSRaptors otherwise the red solid eye will be caused by the SS and Albino.
NOVA is a eclipse eyed tremper enigma... AKA a "raptor enigma" . It can have patterning by definition and due in part to the enigma gene usually does.
There really is no way to visually tell the difference between a true super raptor and a Super snow tremper