Valencia said:Aw, too late. =P
Here's what I was going to say..
"Blast it all! I've been stuck in this log for hours and all anyone has done is write captions about it! Lemme out!"
paulnj said:never been better, thanks for asking:main_laugh:
bubblez825 said:OK here is my picture:
Caption This.......(Euphrades in a tree log)
SubNoiZe said:(in best heath ledger impersonation) Why so serious?
Amber7399 said:hey emily since it's your pic. you can either pm valencia to give her a heads up.. or probably go ahead and pick a runner up to post a pic :main_yes: it's up to you. :main_thumbsup:
Valencia said:Sorry about that!
Let ultrakd go, I don't have a picture at the moment, I'm at my boyfriend's house.