I've had a (supposedly) captive-bred golden gecko for almost 12 years and he is starting to show what I assume are signs of aging. He's a little slower than he used to be (although he has always been very mellow) and seems to be having more trouble clinging to the glass and the smaller branches or when he's upside down. He also has kinks in his tail that he didn't have before. He has always been a reasonably good eater although lately he has refused crickets in favor of mealworms and some peach baby food. I took him off waxworms when he seemed to be gaining too much weight. He loves summer cutworms from my organic garden (which I know some people frown on, but he loves them so much).
He lives alone in a 75-gallon fish tank in a vertical position with under-tank heating and a heat lamp on top plus various hidey holes, although most of the time he hangs out where he can be seen. He's not particularly shy.
I've done some searches on the care of aging herps and haven't found much. I'm wondering if you all have any suggestions. Should I be changing his food? Should I make the tank horizontal instead of vertical so he's less likely to fall? Should I widen all his climbing apparatus, maybe make everything more ramp-like rather than natural?
He's been a great companion. I'm at my computer most nights and his tank is on the desk next to me, so we hang out a lot. I'd like to make his "golden years" as safe and pleasant and long as possible. Thanks in advance.
He lives alone in a 75-gallon fish tank in a vertical position with under-tank heating and a heat lamp on top plus various hidey holes, although most of the time he hangs out where he can be seen. He's not particularly shy.
I've done some searches on the care of aging herps and haven't found much. I'm wondering if you all have any suggestions. Should I be changing his food? Should I make the tank horizontal instead of vertical so he's less likely to fall? Should I widen all his climbing apparatus, maybe make everything more ramp-like rather than natural?
He's been a great companion. I'm at my computer most nights and his tank is on the desk next to me, so we hang out a lot. I'd like to make his "golden years" as safe and pleasant and long as possible. Thanks in advance.