I'm familiar with WC laticauda and they often leave something to be desired as display animals Are CB bred laticauda more willing to stay out in the open, or is bolting for cover a simply a part of their charm?
I can only speak about my single CB lauticauda, but sometimes days go by and I don't see her. She can see me move my hand half a room away and dash for cover.
Well, crap. I wonder if that would change if theyre kept in a group. I also wonder if just being skittish is one of the reasons they've been so successful as far as expanding their range...
When the time comes to "replace" my P. laticauda (she's already 6 years old), I'm thinking of getting a giant day gecko, which may be more visible. I have also heard that L. williamsi are less reclusive and the males are electric blue.
From what i've seen, i dont specialize in phelsuma, but they are all generally timid. I dont find them skiddish because in some cases they are curious. Being duirnal, ive seen home videos of people entering the "reptile room" their phelsuma have learned the tone of the owners voice, even their face and or eyes. In these circumstances the days have accknowledged their owners and they come veering out to greet him.i've seen this twice with two different people. In the terrarium in one case was the williamsi electric blue day (1.1) and in the other case were two female peacock days.
Very very interested these characters, i'd love to start working with them next season.