Cheap Crestie Enclosure

Gregg M

Registered Member
The Rotten Apple NYC
Maybe its just me but when I think of someone taking shortcuts in something so basic but yet so important as proper housing, what other shortcuts are they going to take???

Or maybe its questions like this that trouble me...
tryme said:
well, i was wondering where can I get a cheap enclosure that would be suitable for a crestie? Or, what would a suitable enclosure be?

Dont you think this is something that should be known long before one considers getting any type of pet???

Or maybe I am just a grumpy oldschool keeper...:main_yes: :main_laugh:


You seriously need to get the right end of the stick before you butt in with your 'authority attitude'. I do know what a crestie can be kept in, don't you understand my query? I was asking where I can get a cheap enclosure that would be ok for a crested gecko or what another suitable enclosure would be - other than the exo-terras. I'm really sorry but your starting to anoy me now.


Hey plastic bins work IMO but be careful with small cresteds as they can fit thru very small cracks. Some lids on some bins don't fit great and can leave small cracks. I know first hand because I had 2 get out of a bin thats top didn't fit great, but i found them easy enuff.:blank:


New Member
Mesa, Arizona
Wow lol conflicts!

But I agree with gregg. A ten gallon with reptile lid is only around 25 dollars.
While exo terras are nice and pretty, sometimes you have to go for plain.

I know my crestie is in a exo terra, the ones that are 90 but I got mine on sale for 20, the ONLY reason why he is in a exo terra right now.
Otherwise he would be gheto-ing it up in a ten gal.

Personally I dont like the make shift tub enclosures because to me it does look cheap and I like my enclosures to be like a natural habitat and I can see it, but thats just personal preference, but if your really up for money go ahead.

I dont know if the UK has craigslist but I would try there (lol)


Yeah i am getting him/her an exo-terra in the long run but for the time being i had to snap him up quick so ive got him in a 10 gal tank atm. plus he/she is only about 6 weeks old

Gregg M

Registered Member
The Rotten Apple NYC
You should post some pics of the little one...
From what I have seen, the Exo-Terras are great crestie cages.
Good luck with him/her...
Again, sorry about the harshness. Could have worded my thoughts better...


New Member
I never like the word cheap, affordable though. :main_thumbsup: I keep my small amount of breeders in plastic tubs. Works well as long as I keep a live plant in there and spray 2 - 3 times a day.


Yeah I guess I could of worded things better to. I will post up some pics tomorrow! I'm letting them settle in for a bit first etc. Thanks for your help guys

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