Crested Gecko Biting


New Member
Hi guys,

I'm a new crested gecko owner - he is 4 years old (and super cute). I've had him a few weeks. I gave him a few days to settle into his new home and then started playing with him. He was incredibly tame, very chilled with me, happy to hand walk and crawl up onto my shoulder. Last week I went to get him out and he bit my hand really badly (I know that sounds silly but he drew a lot of blood and I couldn't get him off - I kept trying to pry him off but he'd just latch onto a different part of my hand.)

I gave him a day to chill and tried to pick him up again but the same thing happened. He's fine with me putting food in the viv/stroking him but will suddenly bite and really grab on tight. I don't know what to do!

As long as he's healthy and happy I'm alright with getting the occasional nip, and I'm very patient about re-taming him; I just need some help!

Thank you for reading and I'd really appreciate any help :)



Staff member
Somerville, MA
Welcome to GF.
When you post, please be sure to put your post in the correct forum (not just the first one on the list). I am moving this post to the crested gecko section
Some geckos can get kind of cage aggressive, meaning that they can be aggressive in their cage. You could try using a toilet paper or paper towel roll gently on top of your gecko's head to hold it still so it won't bite, while you slip your hand around him. Take him out of the cage and put him in a neutral area (maybe a small tub or box) and then see if he's more tolerant to being handled.



New Member
Sorry! (I've never used any kind of forum before) I'll make sure I post in the right section next time.

Thanks for your advice I'll try that this evening when he's woken up :)

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