What type of dish do you use? I should look into that for mine.[/QUOTE]
I use glass candle holders, lol. I remove the crix legs to keep them in the dish. This way they also cant churp me into insanity if they get loose, lol.
I use paper towels, just easier maintenance. I use a 6qt shoebox full of coco fiber in with laying females, I have used cocofiber as the whole substrate in the past, but it makes finding eggs a real chore. If I weren't breeding, I'd probably just use cocofiber for all adults. Babies and juvies live exclusively on PT for fecal monitoring.
im using that grippie shelf liner stuff that keeps stuff from slipping in your shelves. I got the green one, and it doesnt look bad. i just put paper towles underneath it for when i mist it and when they pee or poo.