Crested set up


New Member
Im thinking about getting a couple crested geckos.......... can someone help me with how to set up a terrarium for them please? like how do i keep it humid and can i use ppr towel on the bottom and what else would i need to know? :main_thumbsup: Thanks in advance!


Mod Squad Member
Pasadena, TX
We use paper towels in the bottom of ours. We mist once a day (our relative humidity is high here) and also keep a humid hide/laying box with moist coco fiber in it. You can decorate it with vines and fake plants. I also made hammocks out of foam sheets and suction cups from the craft store to give them another horizontal place to hang out higher up in the tanks.


Melissa the Scientist
Toledo oh
Most times you will need to mist 2-3 times a day, but it honestly varies where you live. A moist hide can be offered but again honestly not needed.

Your basic setup is pretty basic, babies start out in med-large kritter keepers, paper towels, and some plants. An adult kind of varies from person to person, some say 10 gallons, others say 15 highs. I prefer 15 highs but they will easily live in a 10 gallon tank. Normally the rule for decor is 3 of the 4 sides covered with plant cover, and 50% of the tank having plants/vines to hide in/on. You also want to offer at least 1 hiding spot on the floor, can be moist, doesnt need to be, I find paper towel rolls or toiletpaper rolls work well. No special lighting or heat is requires unless your house is very cold. But they do not tolerate high temps so if your house gets in the 80+ mark in the summer time, this may not be the best choice for you.

I do have a more detailed caresheet on my site, and there are alot of really good caresheets on these guys like at pangea reptile or jb cresteds come to mind as other really good caresheets (jb's gives extra fun facts about them)


New Member
Thanks to both of you for your advice! Im going to the reptile show tomarow so depending on prices of terrariums i might get a couple babie cresties since they are so darn cute when they are small!!! lol


Mod Squad Member
Pasadena, TX
When they're babies you can keep them in plastic Kritter Keepers which are usually less expensive that glass terrariums. It's better for them to have a smaller living space when they're babies then move them to a bigger tank as they grow.


New Member
ok thanks, i ended up not going to the reptile show but im gunna save up some more money and possibly get some cresties at the next show

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