Dead Tokay Gecko - anal leakage?



In short - I got a baby Tokay Gecko 3 days ago. I came back home today and found it dead. I also found a dried white substance surrounding its anus. I also found what seems to be the same white substance all around the sides of the tank it was in.
Does anybody know what this could be?

I noticed a white streak on the glass a day ago, but thought nothing of it at the time... Now i feel really bad for not having thought about it more...
The day before i gave it 3 crickets and all are still in the cage. The next morning I left the house and hadn't been back until today

Also, I forgot to disinfect/quarantine some branches i put in its cage 2 days ago. Not sure if that could have led to this problem

Here is a picture of the white substance around its anus... I tried getting pictures of it all around the inside of the tank but I couldn't get any proper pictures



New Member
looks like urates (reptile pee in a sense). they poo on the sides of the tanks and such thats why you might have seen it on the glass. if that tokay was a import between the stress and parasites, thats what could have killed him.


New Member
New York
Sorry for your loss :(, Common thing sadly.. WC tokays have internal parasites and other health problems along with the stress.. Its amazing the poor things make it as long as they do, shows you just how hardy they are.. If you are looking to get into tokays I highly recommend getting CBB tokays.. They are not the easiest to get and pay more but well worth it.. I will be hatching some CBB babies out soon but holding onto these babies for future breeders.. I do know a few other breeders though that may have babies for sale or have some hatching soon if interested.


looks like urates (reptile pee in a sense). they poo on the sides of the tanks and such thats why you might have seen it on the glass. if that tokay was a import between the stress and parasites, thats what could have killed him.

Maybe so, but in one day I'm pretty sure there's no healthy way for a Tokay to cover so much of the glass with it - there's a lot... I'd try to get a picture but since it's against glass so faintly I don't think I can get any of it in a picture.
Sorry for your loss :(, Common thing sadly.. WC tokays have internal parasites and other health problems along with the stress.. Its amazing the poor things make it as long as they do, shows you just how hardy they are.. If you are looking to get into tokays I highly recommend getting CBB tokays.. They are not the easiest to get and pay more but well worth it.. I will be hatching some CBB babies out soon but holding onto these babies for future breeders.. I do know a few other breeders though that may have babies for sale or have some hatching soon if interested.
I'll probably be calling the pet shop I bought the Tokay at soon to see how they obtain their Tokays... I've purchased from there for a while with no problems before so I didn't bother asking about the Tokay's background

I'm still very interested in Tokays if a bit more hesitant to buy another
If you could give me a link or some information about those breeders that would be great - I might try to get a Tokay again in the near future
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New Member
New York
I'll probably be calling the pet shop I bought the Tokay at soon to see how they obtain their Tokays... I've purchased from there for a while with no problems before so I didn't bother asking about the Tokay's background...

I'm still very interested in Tokays if a bit more hesitant to buy another... If you could give me a link or some information about those breeders that would be great - I might try to get a Tokay again in the near future
If its from a pet store its WC import for sure. I can tell just by looking at it in that pic that its a WC.. The CBB ones like what I suggested are not very common yet sadly.. I do believe though in the future they will gain in popularity a lot with all the new morphs being produced. Plus the more people see CBB ones and how they are not mean like the WC ones..

anyways here is a few tokay breeders can check out

and of course for tokay eye candy can check out NERD lol


If its from a pet store its WC import for sure. I can tell just by looking at it in that pic that its a WC.. The CBB ones like what I suggested are not very common yet sadly.. I do believe though in the future they will gain in popularity a lot with all the new morphs being produced. Plus the more people see CBB ones and how they are not mean like the WC ones..

anyways here is a few tokay breeders can check out

and of course for tokay eye candy can check out NERD lol

Curious - what in the picture tips you off that it's a wild caught? Coloration/morph maybe?

Yeah I had seen the NERD tokays a while ago... actually the first thing that got me interested in Tokays probably. Pretty cool geckos

thanks for the links, I'll keep an eye on them


New Member
New York
I have seen so many WC tokays and kept them for years. Now that I keep CB and CBB ones only.. Well the difference is really very easy to see.. this is what a healthy tokay should look like..

my big male



Ghoulish Geckos
I'm sorry for your loss. Definitely get a CB tokay. We've had ours for a year and a half (I think) and she looks and acts really healthy. She's way chunkier than the WC ones I see at pet stores.


New Member
Had the same thing happen several years ago.. Ill never make that mistake again.. Poor cute lil tokay evil monster dude.. sorry for your loss.

He passed abruptly with green leakage on his stomach.

Im actually considering getting a few to clean up this wild lady bug problem i have lol
But i doubt the morphed tokays are gonna make any impact on tokay sales and popularity. Theyre just too expensive and tokays look great CB !


K, the Crazy Snake Lady
I'm not too sure in lizards, but in snakes, if theres a presence of white, 'milk-like' substance, it usually means the kidneys have shut down. Somehow it stops the urates from forming and it just flows out with little control, and its always fatal. It may have been stress induced, or he may have had a fall. Even the most mild fall can be bad if they land just the right way.

I'm really sorry you lost your new little one.

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