Designer Geckos introduces our Mandarin Tangerine line



I've always wondered why a "breeder" would produce $20-30 geckos. If you don't care about quality or how the offspring will look, then OK, but if you are a breeder and are purchasing low grade cheap geckos, with the intent to breed and sell them, I just don't see the point. With so many run of the mill "orange geckos" for sale (they're everywhere), it's refreshing to see you producing such high quality bright orange, almost red, geckos Ray. Keep up the good work man, and don't worry about the name thing….the look and quality will sell itself.

agree with you Chris, we're experiencing that kind problem here in manila, some hobbyist here are just breeding not to improve their line but to sell for a small amount of money, every year after breeding season the prices drops...:main_no:

good thing that there's breeder like Designer Geckos who is striving to produce hi quality lgs and making their own line of intense tangerines... imagine that there's an offer of 2k USD and 5k USD and turned it down, this breeder is really serious about their line and breeding :main_thumbsup:

congrats to Designer Geckos:main_thumbsup:

Designer Geckos

Boulder, CO
HAHA! That's great! Do you ever bring your boy that stays on the couch with you for hours?

I took Ronnie, our star SG Sunglow to a show once, but he was overwhelmed because hundreds of people wanted to hold, pet, poke, and buy him...he's too valuable, so now he never leaves home. He is so smart. I've trained him to come when I call him, like a dog. It's amazing how smart leos are if you spend the time to train them. They also love I Phones.

Designer Geckos

Boulder, CO
agree with you Chris, we're experiencing that kind problem here in manila, some hobbyist here are just breeding not to improve their line but to sell for a small amount of money, every year after breeding season the prices drops...:main_no:

good thing that there's breeder like Designer Geckos who is striving to produce hi quality lgs and making their own line of intense tangerines... imagine that there's an offer of 2k USD and 5k USD and turned it down, this breeder is really serious about their line and breeding :main_thumbsup:

congrats to Designer Geckos:main_thumbsup:

Wow, Norman, thanks. I think you'll find that the breeders on this forum are all very serious about their leo work. Stick to quality, not quantity. Once the economy rebounds, we'll all do well. I think it's best to stick to a few morphs that you know well and really concentrate on those and strive for continuous improvement. That goes for customer service too. Be responsive, professional, timely, and educational and your customers will appreciate it greatly. The golden rule always works well....

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