Designer Geckos store in Colorado newspaper

Designer Geckos

Boulder, CO
Here’s an article published today in the Longmont paper. Some editorial license but overall it came out pretty well. Nice free publicity for the store and for geckos…..the actual article is front page on a Sunday so that is great. The article takes almost the whole front page, and the pic of that sunglow if about 4x6. The font of our headline is about 2 in. The story continues on page 5 with a pic of us holding T Rex and it explains all about him and Godzilla.
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New Member
Oregon, IL
I'm surprised (and really excited!) that they wrote an article on your store. Hopefully that piques the interest of a few people in the area. Out of curiosity, has anyone come to your store yet?


Gecko Sales, ahhh yes.

Here’s an article published today in the Longmont paper. Some editorial license but overall it came out pretty well. Nice free publicity for the store and for geckos…..the actual article is front page on a Sunday so that is great. The article takes almost the whole front page, and the pic of that sunglow if about 4x6. The font of our headline is about 2 in. The story continues on page 5 with a pic of us holding T Rex and it explains all about him and Godzilla.

Ray, nice article....
all the best with the store.
Take care. Hj

Designer Geckos

Boulder, CO
Out of curiosity, has anyone come to your store yet?

Yes, a number of people have come by to see our setting up process, to inquire into buying geckos, and to wish us well. We got a shipment of stock equipment/supplies last week with more coming this week. The store will be fully stocked at that point. We are contemplating a limited online supply store on our site, catering to leos only.....(although we have not ruled out carrying our beloved fat tails at some point if we have space).

We will be releasing several nice geckos soon, and we'll post in the classifieds when that happens....some great Tremper Giant juvies at very reasonable prices, among others.

Having lots of fun, no matter what the result of our new adventure....if the economy turns around we should be fine. Maybe then we'll franchise the DG store around the US, and then again maybe we'll just build up one cool collection.

If you don't swing the bat, you'll never get a hit, as they say......we're swinging for the fences. :)

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