DIY Gecko Incubator

Cássio Júnior

New Member
DIY method - Gecko incubator
I have some females and I want to get an incubator ready.
Where I live (Brazil) there are no ready-made incubators available.
I see there are 3 ways to do one.
1 - Styrofoam box/thermal box with cable/blanket/thermal tape
2 - freezer or wine cellar modified with thermal cable/ blanket/ tape
3 - Styrofoam box/thermal box With 1/3 of water and an aquarium heater thermostat to heat the water and subsequently increase the temperature of the incubator.

Which method do you have the best results?

Another point I need to consider is the average temperature in my city is around 26-32 celsius

I would like to know how I can lower the incubator temperature?

Cooler fan? Do I use it to blow air from the outside in or inside out?

sorry about my English
Thank you for the patience


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Unless you use a small refrigerator that can cool as well as heat, there is no way to make an incubator that will be cooler than the air in the room. If you have an air conditioner that you can put into a small room, you can keep the air cooler there and the incubator can work. I have never made an incubator so I can't advise, but you can google "making an incubator that can heat and cool" and see what you get.


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