Does anyone know of any skinny guinea pig or hairless rats breeders/rescues in new je


New Member
New Jersey
Hey there. Seriously considering getting one of these guys for my kid's birthday/me. Can't really have anymore furred things in the house due to allergies and have an allergist appointment set up for the talking and starting of shots. Can't seem to find alot of info on places to find them around here though. Can anyone help out?


New Member
check pet finder or do a search for "skinny pig breeders in new jersey" most animals still have dander that can upset allergies. It's not the hair.


New Member
New Jersey
I'm aware it's the dander, just looking to see what can lessen my chances. That is why I want to talk to some breeders/rescues before purchasing any.


New Member
Washington, DC
Any small animal rescue occasionally gets in skinny/hairless animals. I'd be shocked if there wasn't one or more small animal or even guinea pig/ rat specific rescue near you. It might just be a matter of waiting a month if they don't have one now. I've seen a couple on craigslist, too. Might want to check that out. Lots of people are rehoming animals what with the economy.


New Member
New Jersey
Well, we are on a waiting list for some rattie babies. Got some more air purifiers w/ HEPA and UV light sterilizers for the house. From all that I'm reading, it's going to be hygiene and hand washing. The protein in the rat urine can trigger reactions so I will have to be on top of keeping them clean more than anything. Still going to the allergist on Monday and getting tested. Keep your fingers crossed.


New Member
New Jersey
Well, guess what?? I went today and did the environmental part of the allergy testing and didn't react to a dang thing!!! Tomorrow is the food part. Wish me luck.


New Member
Well, guess what?? I went today and did the environmental part of the allergy testing and didn't react to a dang thing!!! Tomorrow is the food part. Wish me luck.

Wouldn't that be a good thing? lol Good luck on the food part.

My mom had an allergy test and almost reacted to everything in the environmental part, lol. Pollen, Trees, Roaches, Rag Weed, Grass, Dust and the list keeps going and going. She has to go every Wednesday for shots to help control outbreak and has an inhaler because of her allergies but is so stubborn she won't use it because she's not ashmatic so she doesn't see the point. :main_laugh:


New Member
New Jersey
Wouldn't that be a good thing? lol Good luck on the food part.

My mom had an allergy test and almost reacted to everything in the environmental part, lol. Pollen, Trees, Roaches, Rag Weed, Grass, Dust and the list keeps going and going. She has to go every Wednesday for shots to help control outbreak and has an inhaler because of her allergies but is so stubborn she won't use it because she's not ashmatic so she doesn't see the point. :main_laugh:

It would be if I wasn't told a few years ago that I was allergic to all the above mentioned and pet dander of dogs, cats, rodents, etc. That doctor had told me to get rid of my dogs and cats. I said no way. This doctor is testing me for about 200 allergens. Today was 64 of them. Tomorrow is food and I can't remember the other test. My breathing test was normal. My nasal passages were inflamed on the sinus examination where he sticks a scope up my nose. He kept asking me if I had taken any allergy meds and I said I hadn't touched a thing for 1 week and had just finished antibiotics this morning. I also haven't touched a cigarette for one week. This doctor seems a lot more thorough than the last allergist I saw. That one just wanted to immediately put me on allergy shots after testing me for 12 things.


New Member
New Jersey
Well, we're not getting rats...

Because we are getting a ferret!!! I know, big surprise. I tested allergic to rats, rabbits, g. pigs, mold, dust and weeds. Starting allergy shots next week and he gave me a script for nasonex. Geisha the ferret used to belong to a co-worker of mine who gave her to a friend because she felt she was neglecting her because she was paying too much attention to her other ferret Shanghai who was dying from adrenal cancer and insulinoma. Unfortunately Shang had to be put down today because he was having seizures. I loved that ferret, it damn near killed me when she called me this morning and told me. I would baby sit him when she would go away and my daughter loved him, constantly carried him around and fed him cheerios. But I digress, she found out that Geisha was going to a shelter because her friend lost her job and couldn't afford to take care of her. She didn't want to tell my friend because she just didn't think of it. So my friend calls me today and asked me if I wanted Geisha. I've known her and handled her and she's only 2-3 years old. So the bf and I discussed it and figured why not. Instead of buying rats from a breeder like we were going to do, we'll rescue Geisha from being put in a shelter. Wish us luck. I get her tomorrow night.

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