Oh yea.. She has NO problem getting around... when she NEEDS to.. Mostly she just lays around. LOL! Currently she is half out of her dry, warm hide giving me the stink eye.. That's her favorite past time I think..
Looks a bit heavy to me. They really don't need all the extra fat in their tails to be "healthy". You want some chub if they are breeding and other than that just a little goes a long way.
She definitely doesn't breed. I just have one leo. lol! Yea.. I stopped feeding her everyday. Now she gets fed every 2 days and I've been trying to give her Crickets more often since they are lower in fat than mealworms.. She WOULD be eating Dubia if my colony would make some freakin babies! The temp is ok... Maybe the red light bothers them... *ponder
Maybe a little hefty. I think I have heard you don't want there tails getting too much thicker then the mass on there heads. My female normal is a glutinous girl. I feed mainly supers and give her about 5-8 a week. She was getting a bit overweight and started getting the bubbles behind her front legs. I gradually slowed down her eating. She lost a little bad weight, but still has a great appetite and would eat more if I gave her. She's about 5 and I think the previous owner would only feed 1 or so a week, because when I got her, she acted like she had never eating before.
I had a heatlamp on my dubia from july- december...no babies. I was advised it was probably stressing them and making things too dry so i switched to a heat mat about 8 weeks ago and now I have tons. Hopefully I'll have enough to feed from in another couple months