Does this bother you too?


La Española
Melbourne, Florida
Does it bother you when you're looking through a reptile site looking for possible new buys, and they don't make the SOLD sign big enough for each animal?

I don't know about anyone else, but it drives me crazy. Especially because you don't see it until you've already spotted a gecko that you're willing to take home. And then there are the websites that have sold basically everything (which is great, I'm glad the breeder is doing well), and you have to sit there and scan the price section for one that isn't sold. And then every once in a while you find a page where everything is sold! And they don't tell you up top or something "hey, sorry, we sold everything." I don't know, it just frustrates me.

I have a friend who breeds cresties and I really appreaciate that she'll write SOLD across a corner of the photos in red, and I think that's a great idea. And it's what I will do when I get a website up eventually. But having just a small SOLD written where the price would be or something is just annoying to me.

I don't know, anyone else share my frustrations? lol


La Española
Melbourne, Florida
I think it's just one of those small things that are easy to change on your site and make it that much easier for your customers to navigate your side. But I don't know if it bothers enough people lol

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