Don't Call me Baby in that Tone


New Member
I mean really.... Unless you're my boyfriend, I don't appreciate being called 'Baby' 'Honey' 'Sugar' etc. Just don't do it, especially if it's in a 'Baby, look' kind of tone.

I don't appreciate being talked down to, and I don't care who you are boyfriend or not, if you're going to talk down to me, don't do it. I'm not an ignorant person, or at least don't think that I am, so don't treat me as though I am.

If you say on your website, read anything you don't understand 3 times then email me if you still have questions, answer the questions nicely, don't tell me to go read again.

Don't answer my question with a question, so that I have to answer another question and hope you answer it that time. If I give you all the info plus some to your question to mine, don't say, 'well I don't know because it's not what I do or recommend.'

Hmmm... maybe you should think out of the box some.. Your way is not the ONLY way. You're not the see all be all when it comes to raising redfoots.

What's the point in sending me to your forums to read the sections again, when all the questions about other options, are responded with "see our website for the right way to feed.' And, lord if someone says they read somewhere someone else said part of how they feed is not good or wrong, then lord do they pitch a hissy fit and demand to know who's site said that.

There's no one way to raise a pet. Some ways are better. But, when researching, it's best to consider all methods that each person say that they have found is the best so that you can determine what method you want to use.

When asking questions because a breeder said that you could, doesn't mean that you deserve to get belittled. I came away just as confused as when I initially asked the questions.

And, out of 3 people, this person was the only one who answered one of the questions with a different answer.

If you tell people it's ok to ask you questions, don't belittle them and call them baby in that tone. It's rude and unappreciated. It's also a great way to not get my business, even though I wasn't planning on buying from the person (only because I didn't see what I was looking for on the available page).

And, on that note, don't end every email with "WHITNEY, don't you know that I sell them?" Yes, I did, and you were the first person who's site I checked for the available, and I checked your site and ad postings many times, but never saw what I was looking for. Again, I'm not stupid. I never told you I was buying elsewhere, just that I was doing research before I got the tort.

So, anyway... I'm still confused and a little P-O-ed by being belittled and called 'Baby' in that way. I'm not your girlfriend, daughter, or granddaughter. And even if I were, it wouldn't give you the right to talk to me that way...

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60 miles south of Chicago
If you do not mind, please PM me with the breeder that spoke to you like this.

I have a feeling I know who it is already, but I'd rather have you confirm it, if you don't mind.

I'll feel AWFUL if it's who I think it is.

Sunrise Reptile
New Haven, IN
And, whoever the heck you are, after having read AND understood Whitney's post feel free to return to your cave. And don't come out until your mindset has caught up with the rest of the 21st century! :main_angry:

60 miles south of Chicago
Well, the breeder I'm thinking of has NEVER called anyone "honey" or "baby" that I'm aware of.
I would have put him in his place if he EVER called me any of those names.

But the breeder I am thinking of is very much one that thinks the way he does things is the right way.

But I want to see if Whitney and I are even thinking of the same breeder before I go anymore into detail.


New Member
I left it alone because I was really hoping to have my questions answered, and I still haven't. I was extremely heated though and fought back my words. I don't appreciate being called honey or baby in that manner. I've done it when I get really P-O-ed but only once or twice, and only when the person is being extremely ignorant, not just asking questions.

I don't feel any better by my initial rant. I will continue reading the guy's forum (probably won't participate), but just can't figure out who he thinks he is.

He won't get my business, and I hate that because his animals do look nice.

I told my boyfriend about it, and he was not happy with it, mostly because someone called me Baby that wasn't him. He thought it was one of the two other breeders, I've been speaking with. I could hear it in his tone, he was going to tell me to not do business, even though I've put in a deposit for one and purchased the other.

I just have a few last questions that I wanted answered. It was a simple email that I sent on a Sunday (4th) and had to wait till the following Thursday(8th) for the rudeness. I couldn't done without that's all I'm saying.


K, the Crazy Snake Lady
There's no one way to raise a pet. Some ways are better. But, when researching, it's best to consider all methods that each person say that they have found is the best so that you can determine what method you want to use.

Whitney, you're my hero. If anyone should ever write a pet keeper's bible, can this be included? Please?
Its the best, most concise advise I've heard in a long time.


Pasadena, CA
Didn't you get them memo? Women love being called "baby" now. It makes us feel all feminine to have the big strong men label us in a way that is both demeaning and belittling because then we can ask for their advice and protection without feeling embarrassed.

Besides, girls don't really want to play with those slimy snakes and lizards anyway. They just do it because their boyfriends like them so much and it gives them a chance to bond over something other than football.



New Member
K, I didn't word that the best, but hey, it's the truth. Let people decide what manner they want to raise their pet after doing the research to figure out what sounds the best. Sometimes it's trial and error, if the first method doesn't seem to be working like you'd hoped, then try another or reconfigure it a little, as long as you don't wait too long to do so, that is.

Adelle apparently I missed that memo. May have just tossed it.

Oh, and when I emailed the guy again in hopes for more clarification, I never recieved a response. Apparently, I'm some dumb girl who he feels is an irritant or whatever. Anyway.. I can figure it out with the help of others.


New Member
when i first met my husband he would go to the store or someplace and when he was leaving to say thank you he woudl say "thanks hon" now i couldnt understand this because i was always taught to say "thank you ma'am" or something similar. well the thing i had to understand that that where he came from everyone or a lot of people would do that. it wasnt a flirting thing or to be disrespectful, thats what he did.
anyhow but honey or baby or whatever? no, no way. that is very disrespectful.

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