drastic color or change!


Sol Fire Hunter
Austin Texas
I did a photo shoot one day because it was cloudy, and perfect for taking pictures:

I was running low on feeders and all my geckos were eating just a little every day, then I get some crickets... He eats like, 15, and the next morning he looked like this!

It's been five days since the first photo shoot and every day since then he has been dull.:eek:
In the beginning I thought he might just be in shed, but five days!
Granted the lighting was much better that day, but look at that!
Do any of you guys know anything about that happening to other rainwaters?
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Cincinnati, Ohio
Sol, I'd say it has everything to do w. temps, humidity (on how long it can take before they shed) and even there moods sometimes. If there stressed out I think they may darken, but that looks more like going into shed to me. A way you can tell or not if he just needs to shed, is spray down his hide and/or enclosure and then he should shed, maybe the humidity isn't very high now so it's taking longer to shed then normal.
Another thought I have is have you breed him, this can change his color (dull them out), again I think bc they get stressed. Also just bc the temps in the enclosure hasn't changed, doesn't mean that the temps he stays at aren't different. Before he could have been laying on the heat more then recently, which makes sense if they haven't had much food to digest, then they tend to be on the cool side more. maybe that's what's going on here. Just watch him after he eats and if you keep him fed good- he should stay on the heat again and brighten back up, I think it's either that, breeding, or shed. IMO- doesn't look to me like he's changed, just not as bright, and you can get that back, usually. :) I def don't think it's a Rainwater thing.

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