Ebay sellers VS Reptile sellers


Resident PITA
Winston Salem, NC
Hvae I gotten totalyl spoiled by the reptile sellers who tell you every in and out of when and how your purchase will ship?

I bought this on ebay (http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=230174877056&ssPageName=STRK:MEWN:IT&ih=013)
And No I don't buy much since I have no money and really no need to buy anythign but I wanted this so I bought it, I paid Sunday within 5 minutes of the auction end.

I have not gotten any email other than a paypal thing of you paid this seller, not a this will ship, a kiss my back side, etc. The seller has 100% feedback so Im sure I guess that i get it, but is it that hard and life altering to let a person know that you got a payment and will ship something?

Ive talked to 2 other people that say that is perfectly normal with ebay these days, they pay, never get any info but get the item and all its well.

Well, maybe Im a turd, not maybe but I am, I think I at least deserve an email of I have your money and will ship your item on this date etc.

Retpile people go through great lengths to make sure every shipment is PERFECT be it a $25 animal or a $2500 animal and this ebay person cannot even say, Ill ship your stuff.

So Ill get off my rant for now, I guess, but :main_angry:


Staff member
Somerville, MA
I've been buying a lot of ebay stuff lately and this is what I find: I do not get personal emails from sellers about how they are shipping my product. I usually get an automatic "invoice" in my email, followed by an automatic "receipt" when I pay, which is usually within minutes of the auction's end like you do, and about 75% of the time I get an automatic note from the shipping company with a tracking number. It may depend on how the seller ships. If your seller put it in an envelope and mailed it first class from the post office, you will probably not hear anything until you receive it. If more than 2 weeks goes by without my receiving anything (unless there is indication in the shipping information that it will take longer), I send a message to the seller through ebay letting them know that I haven't received the item and if I haven't gotten it by a certain date I will open a dispute through ebay. I've only had to do this 3 times. In 2 cases I got a message from the seller (they'd been out of town, or had shipped but item was returned and had to ship again) and in the other case (a large volume seller) I got nothing but did receive the item fairly soon afterward.
I agree we have been spoiled by the great communication we get from sellers on the forums, but remember also, that we're mostly shipping live animals where there's a real concern about whether it will arrive safely in a timely way. I think people shipping merchandise aren't nearly as concerned since it's not alive.



Resident PITA
Winston Salem, NC
that is what is really annoying more than anything, if you ship with paypal for an ebay payment you get free DC even on first class and they do all of the email updates for you. The only one I got was the " you sent a payment" and it was only Sunday night, but that is 3 days for a human being (if they did not use paypal shipping discounts and auto emails) to send me a 30 second email.

I guess, thats it, its not alive so they don't pay much attention to it and they "know" it will get here, but I am well, not in a position to spend a dime that I cannot depend on the item getting here, thats kinda why I went to an ebay 100% seller, her product was $10 shipped, with petsmart at $20 and gas to get there.

Im a spoiled portion of the posterior region of the human anatomy, I admit it!


Bells Rule!
I used to do lots of sales/purchases on Ebay and that is pretty common... I wouldn't worry at all...

Double LY

420Geckos said:
I used to do lots of sales/purchases on Ebay and that is pretty common... I wouldn't worry at all...

It's common, but it still sucks :D

I just had the same thing happen - bought heat cable and a Rheostat for the price (more than 50% off) through E-bay. Auto e-mails from E-bay and PayPal were all I received. The ad said shipping was done daily but again no e-mails confirming shipment. I figure no big deal - until 2 weeks went by and still no item. FINALLY I received an e-mail after questioning the seller. I did receive a response, but it offered no explanation as to the delay - only that it shipped the day before. No tracking number was ever provided, but the item came the next day so I didn't have to flip out too long :main_rolleyes:


New Member
I think they should at least send one email saying you won or somthing

it is different tho, theyre not shipping live animals, but you still deserve a receipt from them


Resident PITA
Winston Salem, NC
I got my leash today, and the only email I ever got was the one from ebay saying I won, I paid straight from the auction. It was shipped super fast and its exactly as pictured but it just would haev been nice to get one saying the item was shipped.


Phoenix, AZ
I dont like to use ebayh unless I am getting something at a deep discount. In the past three months I have won a bunch of stuff reptile related and non reptile related and I have run into things being backordered. One guy actually didnt respond for 6 weeks. I finally started a paypal dispute and finally got a response that they were on back order. It sucks. I find that when i order from websites I get a response time on replys and shipping. As long a I am in no hury to recieve my items I will use e-bay. But if i need it soon or I want it now I would rather pay the little more for it.


New Member
I do a large amount of ebay sales and usually don't send personal messages besides updated the item statue (processing, shipped, received, ect...). But, I do have a feature set up that confirms that I recived the payment.


New Member
I do a decent number of sales via ebay. But I do let the buyer know that I received the payment and when and how I will be shipping their order. Usually I don't receive anything back. But I find it's courtesy to let them know.

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