Egg help! Resolved


New Member
Hi, I'm new and really need advice- I just came back from university for the summer and found out my leopard gecko (mom has been taking care of her, uni dorms don't allow pets and travel would be too stressful) has eggs(in her) (not bred, it's hot out and mom fed her a bit too much [accidental, mixed up superworms and meal worms, she got put on a diet after I found out on winter holidays] so maybe that's it??) and I don't want her to become egg bound or have issues laying. I saw she was rounder by her back legs and when I checked underneath her the eggs(two) were visible too. I don't know how long she's had the eggs (just got back last week) and I don't know what to do. I made her a nest box (moist Eco Earth coconut fiber substrate and sphagnum moss in a tupperware with an entry hole) but she's ignoring it. I've had her for three years and I got her from the pet store when she was a few months old (she was about 4 inches long and skinny at the time so I figured a few months). I know a good vet but it's extremely expensive and far away and I don't want to stress her out with travel either. Does anyone have advice? Thank you!
Edit: added new pictures of belly (my camera sucks, sorry)
Edit 2: she laid her eggs no problem and ate them immediately. A1 mother


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Staff member
Somerville, MA
It's hard to see if she has eggs without a belly picture. Being egg bound is actually pretty rare. You could put her into the nest box occasionally . Sometimes it just takes longer than you'd think.



New Member
It's hard to see if she has eggs without a belly picture. Being egg bound is actually pretty rare. You could put her into the nest box occasionally . Sometimes it just takes longer than you'd think.

Thank you. I added new pictures but they're not very good, but my mom and I saw the eggs. I'm glad that being egg bound is rare, I saw warnings about it and she's had trouble with shedding in the past so I don't want any other issues. I've been putting her in the nest box but she leaves :( I'll keep trying to acclimate her. Thank you so much for your help!


New Member
She will go in her best box when she is ready. For my Leo’s I usually stir up the best box and leave lumps in there. When I go back and it’s flat I know that have been in there and need to go looking for them. They do use it for a humid hide as well though. Those are clearly eggs. You will be able to tell when she has had them. Should be any day now. After she has had them make sure to feed her well and giver her some extra calcium and maybe a horn worm or silk worm or two to give her a boost. It takes a lot out of them when they lay. Congrats!

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