Egg help... SO confused!


Gecko Elements
Hingham MA
So my Skunk gecko just bound some eggs to side of cage.... I don't know what to do. She is all by herself, maybe before i got her she met a boy. In any event i have 2 eggs on side of glass cage. Is there anything i should do? Would be nifty to get 2 more little stripped geckos! In any event ANY help would be great i have NEVER dealt with a egg binding gecko.


Gecko Elements
Hingham MA
Wow seems like not a lot of people DON'T deal with this kind of gecko... I'm still misting cage so i hope the eggs don't mind getting misted slightly.


New Member
Athens, GA
Geckos: A complete pet owner's manual, by R.D. Barlett and Patricia P. Barlett, talks about what to do in this situation. Here's what they say to do:

Barlett and Barlett 1995 said:
If the eggs are produced by an egg-gluing species, they may be placed in irremovable situations (such as on terrarium glass). In this case it will be necessary to tape a small plastic cup containing a little moistened sphagnum over the eggs, taking care that the moss does not actually come in contact with the eggs. It may be necessary to remoisten the moss periodically. Remember, you are striving for high humidity--not actual wetness.


Gecko Elements
Hingham MA
Well i put a plastic baby food container over eggs with a wet paper towel in lower half away from eggs. Should be plenty humid. I will be thrilled if they actually hatch!


New Member
I work with "skunk geckos" better known as Gekko vittatus. How long have you had this female? If she has been in your care for around a year or more, I'm sure that's too far gone for sperm retention. I had my first F1 hatch out over the summer but it hatched in the incubator while I was away and didn't survive for too long. I just had another hatch out a week or so back and is doing well. If your female has been with a male in the last year, get ready to wait on these eggs...they can take 3-4 months easy!


Gecko Elements
Hingham MA
We have only had her for a month and when i saw her she was with another striped gecko not sure if male. Possibly 2 months longest. So a 3 month wait to 4 month. Now if i get hatchlings would it be possible to hand tame them a little?


New Member
We have only had her for a month and when i saw her she was with another striped gecko not sure if male. Possibly 2 months longest. So a 3 month wait to 4 month. Now if i get hatchlings would it be possible to hand tame them a little?

Perhaps. I know tokays (Gekko gecko) that are puppy-dog tame, but alot of geckos have their own personalities and display various levels of temperance. I wouldn't begin to try to handle the juvies until they are several months old and well started.


Uroplatus Fanatic
Buffalo, NY
I've kept vitattus and bred them before as well and I agree with everything Harold said. I no longer keep and breed the species, but I do work with tokays and the care requirements are virtually identical with a few differences taking the species' sizes into account. I cup eggs with a small delicup taped over them when they aren't glued to something removable, punch a half dozen small holes in and fill the lower half of the cup with moist cocofiber. Eggs are incubated in cage at the same temps as the cage temps, which is in the 80-85F range. Gekko eggs in general take a good while to hatch, with tokays its 90 to up to 200 days, and vitattus are similar. As far as taming goes, I find vitattus to be a bit easier to tame than the tokays, if only for the fact that they are a generally less defensive species. Take is slow with juveniles and they should become somewhat handleable. Make sure your female is getting plenty of calcium, and be prepared for more eggs, they retain sperm and several clutches are the norm. Hatchlings can be kept identically to adults in mini-setups. One thing I noticed with vitattus, its better to keep babies singly, when keeping clutchmates together I would see nipped tails on occasion.


New Member
well this has helped a lot thank you just woke up to an egg on a door! except my female is house with my male but still i was not expecting this late in the season

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