The pictures are really bad Malik. Let me give you something to go on. Here is my female who's as big as a house, and who might actually be eggbound. She was bred on December 25th, and anytime after that. Either way, the eggs are very obvious. Her tummy is very hard and she doesn't do much of anything these days. Here's what her belly looks like so you have something to compare...
okay ill put my male back with her then just incase shes not preagnant but okay i will also try and get someone to hold her while i take a pic of her but thanks
i took your advice i bent her back more and i saw one egg but i think she might be egg bound her stomach is still squishy so she might just be taking exrta long tried to get a pic but my lighting isnt tht great so ... yeh
she looks like the second one you have i just picked her up by the tail like you did and i saw two one looked like it was pushed up further than the other one.