Enigma Circling breeding?


New Member
Miami, FL
See, now this raises another question...not to hijack your thread or anything, Brandon but my question kind of goes along with yours...

Let's say you purchase an enigma (who happens to be a double het, for raptor & t. albino) who's about 6-8 months old, with the intent to breed the animal. She does fine (no circling, head tilt or twitches) up until she hits a year old and suddenly out of the clear blue sky she starts in with the "enigma syndrome" daily, and REAL bad.

Do you contact the original breeder? And if so, what do you say? The animal was purchased to breed... Do I just suck it up, keep her as a pet and find a new mate for my raptor I planned to breed her with? I was under the impression outcrossing might help these kinds of issues?


See, now this raises another question...not to hijack your thread or anything, Brandon but my question kind of goes along with yours...

Let's say you purchase an enigma (who happens to be a double het, for raptor & t. albino) who's about 6-8 months old, with the intent to breed the animal. She does fine (no circling, head tilt or twitches) up until she hits a year old and suddenly out of the clear blue sky she starts in with the "enigma syndrome" daily, and REAL bad.

Do you contact the original breeder? And if so, what do you say? The animal was purchased to breed... Do I just suck it up, keep her as a pet and find a new mate for my raptor I planned to breed her with? I was under the impression outcrossing might help these kinds of issues?

If the Enigma is thriving (eating, pooping, growing, and shedding normally) even with some degree of circling I don't see any reason not to breed it to unrelated animals. I honestly think its impossible(I know i`m putting myself out there) to get an enigma who doesn't show the slightest bit of odd behavior.

Retribution Reptiles

Stripe King
NE Ohio
I have 2 enigmas that show slight issues. Both came from reputable breeders. It hasn't effected their health in any shape. They are just alittle more "cranky" when it comes to a higher stress situation. IE handleing, photographing etc.


New Member
i have no clue what circling is or the enigma syndrome is please tellme

exactly what it sounds like.. the engima jus circles around and around and around


This enigma doesn't even have the "enigma syndrome" severe!!

heres another vid : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U8m_aGbmKvw&feature=related

these aren't even that severe I've seen a few vids of some enigmas where all they do is go in circles chasing their tail...


Active Member
If you put your enigma in a darker invorment, like a dark room or a basement, they do alot better, but as long as its not constant and your outcrossing i wouldent see a problem.


New Member
Austin, TX
Enigma Syndrome is well known as a potential issue for that morph.
I think unless the breeder sold it as being 100% free of ES, then one just has to eat it and wright it off as a breeder.

Personally I don't think animals with this issue should be bred. If the gecko world is ever to reduce the chances of this disease occurring, then it makes sense that until we know more about what is causing it, that individuals with it (especially in it's more exterme forms) should not be bred.
It is a defect in the species and generally one does not breed animals with known defects without potentially harming the future of the species.


LizardThing Geckos
are people selling them as 'KNOWN ES' and 'KNOWN NON-ES'? ????

i thought it could just show up anytime?

I am trying to find current info on the subject,


New Member
Grand Blanc, MI
Do you contact the original breeder? And if so, what do you say? The animal was purchased to breed... Do I just suck it up, keep her as a pet and find a new mate for my raptor I planned to breed her with? I was under the impression outcrossing might help these kinds of issues?

Ok, take this to a different level. You purchase a leo for breeding but for some reason or other when it comes time to breed it doesn't breed or is infertile, would you call the breeder and want your money back? I wouldn't, it wasn't sold to me as a proven breeder besides that it's been in my care way too long.

I've actually got a female that is perfect in every way but for the life of me she will not produce thriving offspring and I have bred her to two different males, but I will not breed her again and I would never think of calling the breeder I got her from to say I want some money back because I can't breed her. We never know what is going to happen to change the animal, like in the case you discribed or in a case like mine, it's a gamble we take.


Obsessed with Leos
New Port Richey/Hudson, FL
everyone makes a good point but personally i would not breed a enigma with any issues only because I would not want to chance of it passing on. As far as getting geckos that dont breed well thats just life there are humans that can't reproduce so why wouldn't it be the same in the animal kingdom no one really knows why just some dont breed I have had a few of my own and I have since rehomed them to pet homes. just like humans sometimes can't seem to have healthy children it can be the same for reptiles and any animal for that matter especially those bred in captivity due to humans linebreeding and inbreeding to get certain traits out of a animal in my opinion too much of it can cause the genes to weaken. I dont want to offend anyone i just dont breed known related animals that I own I dont want to risk deformities and other problems to come out I want healthy thriving babies. I think outcrossing is always good.

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