Ethical? Or Rant & Rave?

Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
Very thought-provoking discussion! Basically, what is being described is the ''Walmart Phenomenon". It is the only big box retail company that was profitable last year. Some argue that Walmart should not be patronized because other stores cannot compete and therefore are laying off employees and closing stores. Yet my local Walmart's parking lot is always full. Is their merchandise sub-standard because their prices are lower, or are their prices better because they are more competitive for the public market? It's about volume.

Basically all I'm saying is - until the quality of a "wholesale $20.00 gecko" is comparable to a "designer $350.00 gecko" - you won't go out of business. Also - so long as the consumer stays educated on quality vs price - you'll do even better.
I understand and agree. However, I have seen with my own eyes a BEE on a well-known breeder's table at Daytona for $20.00. I have heard first-hand reports of this activity at just about every East coast show of late.

(I am moving this thread over to the 'Rants and Raves' Forum...)


New Member
This is a conversation many of us have had many times both privately and publicly....I have been told by an individual that I shouldnt try to tell people what they should price animals.......only to hear from the same person soon thereafter, that they were upset by someone else's pricing.....huh?????

My opinion....I can't control what morph, or quantity of a particular morph someone else produces or how they market their animals....but I can control where I spend my money.....I think we all pretty much fall into this same category dont you?.....Support the people that you feel are doing good by you and your hobby...whomever that should be......I am not saying who that person is or should may be different for different people.....but if we follow that rule I truly believe it will work out for the best in the end.....just be can take a little time and may deal out a little hardship.....but that's the free market baby! :)

Retribution Reptiles

Stripe King
NE Ohio

i totally agree with what you're saying. It's a pity that i have yet to do business with you. I tend to only look on websites for availability. It's my character flaw i guess.

But back on topic well said.

Retribution Reptiles

Stripe King
NE Ohio
On a personal note i tend to like to do business with people that i hear good things about. Then i like to build a business relationship then if a personal friendship comes of it great. I love everyone that i have dealt with thus far and want to work with many more over time.

Okee Reps

Okeechobee Reptiles
I've never really cared what anyone else sold their leos for. I always figured once that person dumped their leos for whatever silly price they felt like selling them for then I would sell mine. Problem is I think people tend to panic and drop their prices in an effort to compete. I can't understand why one day there is 1 person selling "morphX" for 10 cents and then a week later there are 15 people doing it.

Ultimately I guess I believe in selling for whatever price you want, if it makes it harder for me so be it but I guarantee those people won't be around longer then 12 months.

**As for the original topic, I agree wholesale prices should be for wholesaler's eyes only**

Ian S.

Active Member
Did you mean the "China*mart" phenominon...:mad:
It's been seen time and time again. Especially with the dom. morphs. It's like a giant college frap party & theres always one gooney who spoils everyones fun. Course i've never actually been to college.:main_cool3:


People can price things however they want. Some people do mass breed and unload inventory. Others don't care about the money more than breaking even and just keep/breed for pleasure.

The fact is that to tell someone they can't publically price something below a certain value would be unethical. We've already gone down the price fixing road with leos before on a few morphs in recent years. It's not something I'd like to see repeated.

Spend your money to support breeders you feel bring quality to the marketplace.
There will always be $2000 purebred dogs and then people thinking it'd be cute if they bred their puppy mill dogs together and sell them for chump change when they get overwhelmed. Nothing will change that and in a free market you can't discourage prices, only ethics. For most people, a leo is a leo is a leo. Ethics have significantly less impact than price at salesmanship to the general public.


New Member
I'm new to this but i understand the biz and agree with marcia, why over produce than dump. here in Canada it is illegal to dump goods, meaning sell below market and wholesale prices so the market cans survive and and jobs are protected, i heard somewhere that they wanted the breeders to have a biz and license which would protect overproduction and no 2nd rate animals being developed and ending up at an spca or animal shelter since no one wanted them. i also collect comics and they have a company that is impartial and grades the books since everyone has there own ideas of grading, thus the grade is universally accepted and the market for them is higher, it would be great if so and so made a great animal and it was graded at a worth that the public agrees on. a great quality animal deserves a good price. just my 2 cents.


i dont remember you said it, but someone on GF said that if we just cut back our breeding stock by 20%, the balance between demand and how many geckos are on the market would even out.

i think this would be a good idea, for people who produce 1,000+ geckos/year

thats what is making geckos go down from $1,000+ to $250 in only a few MONTHS, the supply is greater than the demand.

it sucks that alot of breeders to offer wholesale prices to the public and shows and even on their sites.

it would really help if most would cut back their breeding stock by even as a few dozen geckos. because we all know there are a few people on this forum that have 100-200+ breeders.

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