Meet Tex... aka Texas... aka Monster... aka fatster...
Tex has doubled in weight since I have had him, I don't know if some of you remember the pictures that I put up of him.. he is now pushing 90 grams. I think he might be on the chunky side..
I also have another large girl, my first leopard gecko Lea, she is now 81 grams.
I think I might like to feed my geckos!
Here are my biggest fatties..
Here's Tex, he has fat rolls and fat/calcium bubbles behind his arms...
And Lea..
I don't think she was happy, she was wagging her tail...
Hope you enjoy.
Meet Tex... aka Texas... aka Monster... aka fatster...
Tex has doubled in weight since I have had him, I don't know if some of you remember the pictures that I put up of him.. he is now pushing 90 grams. I think he might be on the chunky side..
I also have another large girl, my first leopard gecko Lea, she is now 81 grams.
I think I might like to feed my geckos!
Here are my biggest fatties..
Here's Tex, he has fat rolls and fat/calcium bubbles behind his arms...
And Lea..
I don't think she was happy, she was wagging her tail...
Hope you enjoy.
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