Evolution of Pets/Koi Pet Store, Edmonton - Bad Guys



Warning animal abuse!!!

I give-up trying to get threw to these people maybe someone here could do better?

Anyway check out the thread there's pics and video that will show what scumbags we are dealing with


American BOI




Wow that's just awful!!! I hope someone can get these a-holes and give them what's coming!


New Member
Grand Blanc, MI
Bill I moved this thread so it gets the right exposure.

I'm saddened to see images like that. There is no reason for animals of any kind being kept like that.


them jerks probably took tin snips to that iguana's tail just so they could fit it in there. thats horrible.


New Member
I didn't even notice there was an iggy in the pic. I was first irritated that it was a beardie with a (tegu or monitor...tegu right?). That's disgusting in my opinion. I thought some of the stores around here were bad, but this is absurd. How can you justify keeping those species together?

Edit: I just went to that link at Fauna...I was sick just from the pic you put in this thread...now I'm about to cry. I cannot believe the horrible care these animals are getting. I...I want to say things right now that I'm sure I'll get blocked for because it would involve terrible language...this is...unnacceptable. And the fact that the effing humane society can't do anything despite the OBVIOUS effing bad care these animals have is beyond me. Is this a canadian store? (noticed you posted it in CBI, so just checking if it were and not perhaps a store just over the border). It's appalling...that's complete BS that they can't do anything about it. The animals are sick, they need vet care, and NO QUALIFIED VET WOULD CONDONE HOW THEY KEEP THOSE ANIMALS. Who would say "yeah it's okay, keep a beardie, an iquana, a tegu, and a water dragon together"? "It's cool, keep three boas at very different sizes together and don't feed them". I'm...*throws something* Sorry, I know I shouldn't rant, but this is really helping me vent lol. Please let us know what the outcome of all this is and if the store has any action taken against them. This is unnacceptable by all accounts and if the humane society can't do anything that makes it even worse...
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