Fatty substrate



Do you think leos and fatty's should have different substrates or should people follow the same guidelines?

I got used to using different substrates. I don't know why. Maybe because in the past I've heard more impaction stories about leos than afts. So my leos are sitting on repti carpet, while my afts are on zilla desert blend, which is made of ground walnut shells (and have been on on this type of substrate for a few years now. Never the crushed kind). Both do fine on what they're on and I'm think its habit/mind set not wanting to put them on the same thing. Leos for sure will always be on liners/carpet, but I'm not tempted to put my leos on things like them. Don't know why. Do you guys have both leos and fat tails and do you have them on the same things?


Breeder in the making
PEI Canada
I find afts more of a clumsy eater than leos and mine don't like the paper towels for some reason and they wont poop on it so I use good ol' ceramic tile which I like how easy it is


Staff member
Somerville, MA
I have my leos on ceramic tile and my fat tail pair on coco fiber. I have another fat tail female who is currently on ceramic tile as well until she gains another 10 grams and then she'll go in with the other pair. The reason I keep them differently is that my understanding is that the fat tails need more humidity so they are in a planted (not tropical, though) tank with the coco fiber. I felt that plants in a leo enclosure would raise the humidity beyond where I want it. I have been misting my fat tail tank daily because they seem to enjoy drinking that way. It's getting to the point where when I start to open the cage in the mornings the male comes out and waits for it.



I find afts more of a clumsy eater than leos and mine don't like the paper towels for some reason and they wont poop on it so I use good ol' ceramic tile which I like how easy it is

really? I find leos to be a tad more clumsy since they're the ones that are most known for having problems.


My leaf tail is on peat moss, leo is on tile, crested is on coconut fiber, and aft is on those same ground walnut bedding. I love all my substrates. As I said before, I like variety so I believe in having something different for each one. I love some substrates for the moisture retaining qualities, and others like the zilla ground walnut stuff for the warmth. Tile is easy to clean. Each one is great and I just like the unique randomness of my settings.

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